The Tomb of Ludo Kressh

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Kari and TK continued their way into the tomb, noticing fog that surrounded the lower part of the chasm that made up the walkway. An eerie howl could be heard echoing through the corridors. The Dark Side was at work, and it was at its strongest here. Coming across a closed door, purple lightning sprang to life, creating a well of the Dark Side.

"I have a very bad feeling about this." Kari said, trembling with fear as they approached the door.

"We'll be alright Kari, we just need to keep ourselves centered." TK touched the door, trying to open it. "I sense... something familiar beyond this door."

The door opened and revealed two Younglings, both of equal height. One was a brunette, who was quick to anger. The other was blonde, and was silent and still. The Knights wore the features of Kari and TK's masters, Tai and Matt. The Jedi Council had made up the rest of the room.

"Tai Kamiya, you wish to take on your sister as your Padawan learner?" Master Vrook Lamar asked, making questionable hand gestures.

Tai was unnerved by the question. "Of course I do Master Vrook. She is my sister, and she possess immense strength in the Force. Why shouldn't I be allowed to train her?" Tai asked accusingly. The Council obviously had not wanted Tai to take on family as a Padawan learner, even though Tai was the only one capable of training her. "She is of my blood, and if Ulic Qel Droma were still here, he'd tell you the same."

The mention of Ulic Qel Droma shook the Council. Not only had Ulic committed controversial war crimes against the Republic and Jedi Order, he held his teachings with Tai on the ice world of Rhen Var, isolating themselves from the rest of the galaxy. "You are not to mention his name in this session again." Master Atris said with a serious tone in her voice.

Kari looked at the vision being played before them. She wanted to say something on her brothers behalf, to show them just how much she had grown into a powerful Jedi. "Now wait just a minute! I admit my brother can be a hot head, but he's still one of the greatest masters of the Jedi Order." Kari jumped in, taking her place next to the vision of Tai.

The vision of Vrook laughed at this remark. "I see you still do not know how your master came to be a Jedi Knight. All this time and he's still has not told you of his ancient lightsaber style."

"That's not true! He taught me all he knows of Shien, which I modified into Djem So. My master uses the Shien style of lightsaber combat, I use Djem So. He would never keep anything from me." Kari yelled at the accusers of her master.

TK joined in, stepping in next to his masters side. "My master and I are a team, just as Kari is with her own master. You dare try and accuse them of corrupting us because we are family?" He grabbed his masters shoulder as he continued to make his claim. "You really have no idea of what we all have been through. You sit here in your closed hovel and debate, while the rest of the galaxy burns at the hands of Darth Revan and Darth Malak."

Lonna Vash started to make her claim. "You really think we don't know this? Then it shows that the time of words are done. This is the time of a lesson, in combat." The entire Council stood and activated their lightsabers. "Now you shall experience the full power... of the Dark Side."

This caught Kari and TK by surprise, as even Tai and Matt activated red blades. "What is this?" Kari asked as she activated her blue lightsaber and joined TK back to back.

"I think we may have just stirred up a Kinrath nest." TK said as he activated both blades of his lightsaber. "We must defend ourselves, this is the only way we can survive."

The multiple council members were pushed back by the Force Wave that Kari had launched, followed by perilous strikes of the Djem So style, attacking each of the weak points of the masters bodies. "This might hurt a bit." Kari said in the heat of battle, noticing that with each strike, the masters disappeared into thin air.

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