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This is such bullshit. She isn't going to remember saying that tomorrow. But you know what they say a drunk man's words are a sober man's secrets or something like that. (Lol I can't actually remember the expression myself.) She passed out on the toilet. Her dress was covered in vomit. I peeled the thing off of her and wiped her skin clean of any vomit. Then I grabbed one of my t-shirts and pulled it over her head. All she did was mumble a few times she started mumbling again and somewhere in there I heard loud and clear. "Mark..." Her voice was thick and sexy like syrup. I smiled and laid her in my bed. I grabbed a blanket and curled up next to her. She was absolutely beautiful asleep or not.
When I woke up there was no mess to be found. At all anywhere. I found an omelet on the table and a note right next to it.
I had to go to work thanks for helping me to bed last night. I cleaned up the house and I made you an omelet. See you later ❤ love, Wynter.
I smiled. She was cute through her writing to. I can't believe she cleaned this whole house in the amount of time she did it in. She even got her stuff outta here. She didn't go home which means Cody will probably smack her up tonight. Wynter thinks I don't notice but I do. He leaves bruises on her arms and legs. I've tried to talk to her about it but she just denies it. Whatever. When she wants to talk about it she will but I need to go record some shit.

Wynters POV
"ICED CARAMEL MACCHIATO DOUBLE SHOT WITH WHIPPED CREAM!" I yelled more forcefully the second time. No body was filling my order. Finally I got it out. "Here have a free cake pop. Sorry for the wait." I gave the woman a cake pop and she sashayed out like a bitch. The rest of the day was hell. No one wanted to fill my orders so I was left to do absolutely fucking everything by myself. With a hangover! But I did it. I didn't need a single one of those assholes. I should get a raise I'm so good. Finally the clock struck 12. I wanted to call Mark but he was probably asleep. I huffed out a breath as I plopped into my car. The engine sputtered to life and I drove home. "Cody! I'm home!" I yelled. He came out of the kitchen. "Where uh, where were you last night." He says stabbing his spoon into a bowl of ice cream in his hand. "I was at a party." I sighed. I set my purse on the couch and let my hair down. "Who's party? I know I wasn't invited." I turned around and pulled off my apron. "Look it was one of my friend's party. He threw it last night. I didn't even know about it until after I got off work. Please don't start a fight about this. Really nothing happened. It was a bunch of his friends. I wasn't about to invite some one I know to ruin the party." I sighed. I was so tired I just wanted to go to sleep but I knew he was going to start a whole thing about it. "You didn't even come home last night to tell me you were staying out. I had to sleep alone and you know I don't like that." He walked towards me. I lifted my shoulders into a defensive pose. I curled away from him but didn't move. I knew it would be worse if I did. His hands went to both of my shoulders and he slammed me into the wall with such force that it knocked the breath right outta me. I saw his hand clench into a fist before it slammed into the side of my skull. My hearing was ringing and my vision was blurry. I tried to stand up but I couldnt. His hand went into my hair. "Get up bitch." He growled. I whimpered and tried my best to stand up. His fist drove I to my stomach and I coughed up blood. He laughed and rubbed his knuckles. Tears form at my eyes and spilled over onto the floor. "I betcha it was that faggot Mark. Why do you even like him? Hes so retarded it hurts me physically." He said. "At least he's not so insecure that he needs to hit his girlfriend." I growled. He kicked me in the stomach and I coughed up more blood. "That oughta teach you." He said and walked off. I crawled weakly over to the couch. My phone had spilled out onto the floor. I navigated to my contacts and then clicked on Marks picture. "Hello?" I heard from the other side. "Um can you come get me?" I asked weakly. I basically heard him dart up off his couch. "Where are you." I tried not to laugh at him worrying. "My house." I said. He said "okay." And clicked off. Cool, now all I have to do is lay here and wait for him to come get me. I should at least lay on the couch. I waited for Mark to come. I heard a knock on the door. I picked up my phone but Cody opened the door before my phone even turned on. Mark stood at the door. "You have some nerve showing up here asshole. My girlfriend didn't come home last night because of you." Cody poked Marks chest rather forcefully...

Muah-ha-ha I leave you on a cliffhanger. Haha. I'm sorry I love you guys. Whoever takes the time to read my books matter to me. Love you guys and as always I will see YOU in the next chapter. BUH-BYYYE!!

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