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"Hello Everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome to a day with Wynter!" He yelled at the camera. He did jazz hands around my body and I smiled and waved at the camera. "We have some video game challenges and some physical challenges to do to see if she is worthy of my channel." He said dramatically. I looked at him with a 'really?' look. "Mark this early? I just woke up a little bit ago and now you want me to use my head brain?" I whined. "Aw come on you little whiner baby." He turned on the console and gave me a controller. I whooped him in all the levels of happy wheels that we played I beat his time every single time. Then we had to blow up some balloons and make them into balloon animals. Ethan and Kathryn judged. I won but it was close. At one point we were tied but I made a perfect poodle and the judges had to give it to me because Marks literally fell apart. Then he proceeded to give a poetic explanation of why. "Well you see this poodle is going through a hard time right now and getting judged by you two made it fall apart mentally and physically." I laughed. "Hey it's not funny this poodle is having a rough time!" He screeched. I laughed harder and said "that's a poodle?" I bent over laughing so hard all that was coming out was air. I inhaled deeply and kept on going. "Don't you think you're over reacting a little bit." I shook my head "hell no it's hilarious!" He shoved me over on the couch playfully. I kept laughing as he blushed at the camera. "Well it appears that Wynter is fully worthy my channel because well, she beat me in everything we did today." I stopped laughing so hard and sat up. "Well thank you everybody so much for watching and as always we will see you in the next video BUH-BYYYE!!!!" I yelled at the camera. "Hey that's my outro!" Mark yelled Kathryn turned the camera off right as he finished yelling which would make for a funny outro. "That. Was. Amazing!" Mark yelled. His friends were laughing and they are used to his shit. But they were laughing their asses off. "That video is gonna be HILARIOUS!" I yelled high fiving Mark. "Hell yeah!" Ethan, Kathryn, Amy, Tyler and Pam was there. "Do you guys want to have a friends day out? We could go play laser tag or something. Or we could go to a theme park or something. I'll pay and everything I just wanna get to know you guys since Mark never introduced us. Except for Tyler. Tyler was our buddy in high school. But other than that I don't know any of you but I would like to." They all muttered their agreements and looked at each other for approval. I clapped "okay well I'm gonna go get dressed and stuff so I'll have Mark text all if you or just give your numbers or something." The group nodded and Mark drove us home. "Mark you didn't even tell me I was going to meet your friends!" I squealed. He got defensive. "Well you looked good so i figured you were dressed!" I kissed him. "I know. But now I have to get dressed and put make up on." He groaned/whined. "I'm sorry you might think I'm naturally beautiful but other people don't want to have to see me with out makeup." I said. He whined and let me Into our room.

I changed into this and put on some simple eye make up. Just mascara and eyeliner. I applied some lip gloss and walked out. "There I'm all done why don't you text your friends." He wasn't in the living room though. I went back upstairs to check his recording room. Nope not there. I knocked on the bathroom door. Not in here. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and went into his room. I pulled out his lucky flannel and switched mine out for his. He smelled of man and Old Spice. The good smelling one that smells like starburst.
W: where r u?
M: outside drinking lemonade.
W: oh you scared me lol
M: lmao
W: I'm coming out then
M: see ya!😘😘😍😍

I smiled at his emojis and raced down stairs. He definitely was drinking lemonade. For...whatever...reason. He had a whole pitcher on the glass table int the little bit of shade provided by a beach umbrella. "So uh what's doing out here? And where the heck did you get lemonade?" I asked. He shrugged and I sat down with the man who gives me butterflies Everytime I look at him. He's incredibly important and yet he doesn't see anything different about him. (I can't type quotation marks...my phone is broken I need a new one lol so I'm just gonna use two apostrophes from now on.) ''i love you so much.'' I said as he poured me some lemonade.  I hadn't even realized I said it when I did but all he did was look at me and smile and say '' I love you to.'' and there it was. The first time we said I Love You officially. As soon as he put the pitcher down I pulled him in for a passionate kiss. One he wasnt even ready for. He scrambled for a bit but began kissing me back. His hands roamed my body until he found my waist and my hair. His strong arms pulled me on top of him to where I was straddling him. My hands wandered until my right hand found its way on to the soft dark blue cotton t-shirt covering his chest and my left ran into his hair. My back arched into him and his hand moved from my waist and into the hollow of my back. "I love you way to god  damn much but I love it." He whispered I nodded and sank down to where I could cuddle my neck into the crook of his. ''We should probably get going. We have people waiting on us after all." I said. He just nodded and got up with me in his arms.

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