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I got a text from Alec to meet him at his place after my shift. Im a little suspicious but really excited about it too.
I'm thinking about what we could be doing or why we would meet after my shift. Not that i mind, i love not being home my dad isn't the nicest man on earth to put it nice.
The rest of my shift im thinking about Alexander..those beautiful blue eyes..his dark messy hair..his beautiful laugh.
And before i know im on my way to Alec's home. I knock on the front door. 5 seconds later the door is opened by Maryse, Alec's mom. She doesn't know me but i know her. 'Nice to meet you ms. Lightwood, im magnus' i say. 'Hi Magnus nice meeting you too and just call me Maryse. 'Okay thank you ms....uh Maryse!
'He is upstairs.' Maryse says to me. 'Okay thank you!' I say before i almost run upstairs. Im almost lost because i dont know wich room it is. And than i see light shining under a door. Almost like candles. So i open the door slowly and see Alexander sitting on a couch in his room with two candles on the table and a bright blue blanket that matches his eyes perfectly. 'Hi Mag' he says 'tonight we are just gonna relax and watch a movie' 'Okay, and this is so sweet...' i respond totally breathtaken. 'And btw that blanket matches your beautiful eyes perfectly.' I say with a smirk because i know how he hates it when i say that. ' Let me just watch the movie with my adorable boyfriend..or at least...' Alec comes walking torwards me he tills me up and places me on the couch.
'Magnus Bane will you be....



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