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I handed the orders of the customers at table five into the kitchen and took a seat behind the counter burying my head in my hands between my knees. Work was fine with me but in all honesty it was dead boring. I had to smile at customers even through the horrible headache I was suffering from. I was doing rather well at first. That was when Lauren was still here, I suppose.

She left at four. Her mum called in saying that her brother was in a car accident and was in hospital. So I did the right thing and told her she could go and that I'd be fine on my own. She was reluctant to leave but she really wanted to check on her brother,  so she eventually gave in.

I heard the chime of the door opening and a rush of laughter enter the shop. Five guys, all of them the kind that wore leather jackets and combat boots, seated themselves at the far table near the window.

They didn't look like the guys you'd want to know. They looked exactly like the kind of people that every mother warned their children to keep a distance from. They were all talking and laughing loudly,  much to the disgust of the other costumers. This must have been what Lauren meant when she said that the customers can be rough. I took a deep breath and picked up my notepad to take their orders. Well,  I couldn't sit on my ass hoping that they'll go away, that's the worst part if this job,  you just gotta do it.

As I got closer, I could here there voices distinctively, and one of them was vaguely familiar. I'd heard it somewhere. He was faced away from me but I noticed his black leather jacket.

"Can ꀤ take your order?" I asked.

The guy in the black leather jacket looked up. I was met by a pair of deep set blue eyes.


"Oh, she's new." A guy at the table said. He was around twenty, a dirty blonde with brown eyes and more piercings than I could count on my hand on his face.

"Come on babe, tell us your name."

I really regreted being alone, Lauren would have known how to handle this situation. I looked around for a little help but the only other person in the shop was a sleeping Charlie.

Such a delightful situation!

"Could you please place your order." I repeated and thus time a little louder.

"You're supposed to make customers happy. So why don't you tell is your name babe, and we'll all be happy." Another guy said. 

"Eva." I sighed. "What would you like to have today?" I tried a third time.


I was a bit taken aback. I really wanted to get out of there, but that would be proving to everyone that I can't tolerate a little rough words.

"Something that's on the menu please." I finally said. " I will come back when you're ready."

"Just get us all coffee." It was Cameron that spoke. He seemed annoyed by his friend's behavior.

"Thanks." He'd saved my butt.

"And do take your time." Cameron motioned with his head that I should leave and I did that gladly.

I handed the order into the kitchen and waited for the coffee, not daring to go into the shop. I was sure if they saw me, they'd call on me. I didn't want to go out there until I had to. And when I did get the coffee and had to go out there, I didn't want to.

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