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"You what!?" Lauren's eyes bulged out to a point that I was afraid they would fall out.

"It wasn't supposed to be a date. But then everything turned out to be like a date. I mean the assignment involved getting to know each other and apparently, that's what you do in a date,  but really it was just an assignment." I explained.

"Oh sure." She rolled her eyes as she closed her locker. Then she faced me and cocked her head. "That explains why you're smiling like crazy and of course, that twinkle in your eye."

"You're delusional. " I wasnt going to admit I liked him that soon. I mean, I have dignity.

"Oh the classic sign. You're avoiding eye contact when I state the truth."


"He was sweet." I admitted looking anywhere but Lauren. That's the most she was going to get out if that matter from me.

"Oh..you have it baaaaad..." She lightly punched my arm. "You've barely been here a week and you have two guys after you. I mean, how are you going to choose. Maybe​ you can toss." She pulled out a coin from her pocket.

I was lost. What was she ranting on about. "Two guys?"

"Yeah Cam and Roman."

"What!?" I literally cooked on my own spit there.

"It's old news but it was all over the school last week. Like how you came on his bike and all. He was being all chivilrous with you. Then word got out that you were his girlfriend."

"That's-" I searched for the right word. "-absurd."

"Roman and Eva sittin on a tree.
K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First co-" I cut her off.

"How's your brother doing?" I was blushing like crazy and needed to change the topic before people started noticing me looking like a tomato. I would fit right in with the vegetables at the supermarket.

"Changing the subject now, are we?" She was not going to let go of it that easily.

Besides, it was weird for me as well. Since I was homeschooled and stuff I never really got to meet much guys or people. I've never been attracted to anyone before Cam.

And then there's Roman. I definitely have something for him. And even though I never wanted to admit it, I did feel a pull towards him when he was around. The couple of times I'd seen him with other girls around school, I felt pangs of jealousy hit me. But I'd brushed it all side and told myself I was being irrational. But there is one thing I will admit -even if I will never say it out loud- I definitely had strong feelings towards him. I just had to figure out what they were.

"No. I want to get some new clothes." I said, ignoring her comment.

She smirked at me knowingly,  since I went shopping only last week,  but thankfully didn't say anything more about Cameron. "I'm free today. No dance class either. And I'm desperately in need of some lingerie." Then she lowered her voice and said; "My boobs won't stop growing."

Then she winked at me.

It might not have been that funny, maybe it was just the way she said it, whatever it was, a roar of laughter erupted from me. Lauren joined in and soon we were both laughing like maniacs. People started giving us looks but I just couldn't care less.

I was finally having a normal life and I was going to enjoy it. Every single bit of it.

"Bonjour class, Assignments on the table, s'il vous plaît." Madame Lavigne entered the class.

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