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SLITHER is #50 in Paranormal as on 17/04/2018! *Does the cha cha * Thank you guys for voting and supporting.

And #22 as on 18/04/2018.




"In the beginning, there was only witches and fallen,  the rest are all cursed creatures. The Occult consists of a member from all the communities of creatures, they're called The Highers and they make the rules. "

Cam gave me a side ward glance to make sure that I was following before continuing. I gave him a nod.

Cursed creatures. I repeated in my mind.

"Alexandria is the head of the witch community, they're  called the Wiccan, and she heads the council. She ruled alongside a Fallen, Barnabas,  their head,  who turned against Alexandria for his hand to be in Supreme power and to destroy Alexandria."

Barnabas. That name,  it sounded familiar. I just couldn't place my finger on from where I've heard the name.

"But in the end, Alexandria's magic won against the Fallen's strength and they were exiled.  When they were exiled, Alexandria ripped off all of their wings and cursed them by destroying their hope, the white angel. This left Alexandria as the Supreme Higher. "

I nodded as I absorbed every bit of information he was giving me and took another ship at my coffee. I was truly grateful for the beverage at the moment.


She was the woman from the dream I had and Barnabas,  he was the man on the trial. From what Cam had narrated, I had witnessed the scene where Barnabas and the Fallen were exiled. 

"Remember in the Bible when Satan came as a snake to tempt Eve? Well, when he fell, he was cursed to slither the earth as a snake since that was as low as creatures could go. That's exactly what Alexandria did with the Fallen as well, she cursed them into snakes. But they were snakes, just as much as werewolves are wolves. "

"So they have a human form as well. " I said, more to myself, remembering Roman. 

That bastard.

"They do and most of them have actually learned to pent it up but emotions strike them. After all,  it is their true form."

Roman seemed enraged when he was talking, or more like shouting, before I walking in. His emotions had indubitably triggered his true form. 

But still, where do I come in in all of this?

"What about the White Angel? Who is she or he? What do you mean by Alexandria destroyed the white angel?" I asked, desperate for more information.

"The White Angel,  is a symbol of hope, a gift from the higher power for the fallen who truly regret their decisions that made them fall. The white angel grants the fallen death and there are many more legends on what she can do. The Angel is to take form on earth and stay hidden until she comes of age for her wings. Her soul is said to be a pure white and Legends say she is the key to heaven. "

The key to heaven?

"Alexandria cursed them by delaying her arrival. But now,  after a hundred generations,  she has taken form. Her soul can be sensed by the soul collector. "

"The Soul collector?"  I asked hearing the new term.

"Lucifer. " The name sent a chill down my spine.  

The devil. I had never been too religious, but it had been embedded deep into my mind that God was the good guy and the devil was just the opposite. I didn't need much time to grab my thoughts together about my opinion of Lucifer.

But just then, two thoughts surfaced to the top of my mind.


He nodded. 

"What am I?" it came out as a whisper almost as if I was afraid to know.

"I think you already know. "

I took a gulp and asked the next question. 

"And what are you, Cameron?" 

Cam looked at me,  and turned his body towards me. He leaned in so our noses were touching and brushed his lips against mine and let out a cool breath before pulling back.

"The soul collector. " A sadistic grin played on his lips. 

Another chill went down My spine and words could not explain the terror I felt at that moment.

I could feel my heart beating in my ears, my breath hitching in my throat as a coldness spread through me. My eyes started to close on their own will without being instructed by my brain, my hands moved to my sides, my legs pressed together slowly and my upper body swayed back with my head finally touching the ground. The only thing I had control over was my brain and soon I lost that part of me as well. 

And that ladies and gentlemen was how I died. 


No just kidding. I know this chapter was kind of short and an information dump but I've really dumbed it down and I dont  really plan on changing this until I finish this story. Or until I feel like editing.  When I'm done, I'm gonna come back and make it better, but for the moment that's how it's going to be.  Sorry.


Would love some feedback guys. 


      ѕĸyeвlυe 💙

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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