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"But how do you know which ones are feminine and masculine?" Cam whined like a child. 

We were seated at a corner table at The Borderline, a small restaurant in the suburbs of Falan.  Though it was in a far off place,  it was quite popular. 

"You don't. You have to learn them, " I told him,  surprised that he was a senior and still didn't know this kind of stuff. 

Not everyone is fluent in French Eva,  I reminded myself.

"Well that's just a whole load of crap, " Cam had the patience of a madman. 

"Okay. I'd say that's enough for today, " it was past six in the evening, I was getting hungry. "We'll leave the rest for next week. "

I was putting away my books into my bag,  getting ready to leave.

"Stay. " I looked up to see Cam staring at me with his manipulative blue eyes.

"Sorry Cam, I really have to go. I didn't have lunch today, "  It took a lot of willpower to get those words out of my mouth.

"Let me buy you dinner. " He wasn't dropping the look.

"Uh... That's really not necessary. My house isn't that far. " I can't let him buy me dinner everytime we met. 

"Oh come on, think of it as a payment.  You spend your Friday evening trying to tutor me, so I buy you food.  See,  we're even. "

I thought about it.  Well, it's pretty hard to turn down free food. "Fine then.  But don't make this a habit, I don't want to leave you broke. "

He chuckled as he pulled me back down into my seat.

We ordered and while we waited,  I called Gloria telling her I won't be there for dinner as I had earlier planned. The food was pretty good,  no wonder the restaurant was always crowded. 

After we ate, Cam walked me out to my car. 



Cam looked nervous, he was fidgeting with his hands, shifting from one leg to another. 

"Go on a date with me. "

I stood and stared. 

Did he just ask me out? On a date? With him?

Oh my God.  I was pretty taken aback, because I didn't really see that coming, and this was the first time anyone ever asked me out.  how do I react! What do I say? What  would a normal person say?


My checks burned red and I felt warm all over.

"Pardon?" I croaked. 

Real smooth, Eva!

Cam took in a deep breath as if mustering up all his courage, "Evangeline Sanders, would you like to go on a date with me on Sunday?"

A www...  Cam was getting nervous because of me.  I felt honored. But I was equally nervous, the whole zoo was having a party in my stomach.

I smiled. "I'd love to. "

It took him a moment to comprehend my answer like he had expected me to say no.  How could I though? He was such a good looking man. 

"Thanks. Um... Yeah... Uh... I'll meet you at four then. " He took another deep breath,  "Wear something casual. " 

"Yeah. " I beamed all teeth. 

"Bye. " it came out as a whisper,  like he didn't want to say it.

"Bye. "

I got in my car and pulled out of the parking.  I looked in my rearview mirror to see that Cam had already left.  He was nowhere in sight. 

He probably ran back in to get something, I thought. 

It was getting late, almost eight. I decided to take the shortcut Lauren had told me about. It was a road by the cliffs.  She said it was beautiful road to take, but in the dark,  at this time in the night,  I doubted I was going to see anything.

But still,  the faster I got home,  the faster I can climb into bed and that was motivation enough.  I turned up the music to a high volume,  all the times riding with Lauren got me addicted to loud music. I sang along with the song, My heart felt unusually light. The music drowned out the sound of the sudden downpour. 

I turned on the wipers on full speed trying to see in front of me. But it was raining really heavily, one wrong move,  one slip and I was down into the ocean. 

I found it hard to concentrate on the road so I decided to turn off the music. I took my left hand off the steering to turn off the music but it suddenly stopped playing before I even touched it.


Unfortunately I felt my eyes and mind dwell over that for too long,  because I was taken aback when I suddenly saw a figure standing right in front of my car. Before I even had time to register what had happened,  my reflexes took control. My leg pressed down on the breaks while I sweared the car to the left. I felt  the impact of the fence on the side of the road against my car before I felt myself plunging downwards along with my car,  of the cliff into the ocean.

I closed my eyes and screamed. My heart was beating in my ears as I waited for the end.

But nothing happened. 

Deja vu.

I slowly opened my eyes.  Suddenly the music turned back on,  making me jump up on my seat. The rain had subsided, it was just a light shower now. My car was on the edge of the road, pressed against the guard rails.

I looked towards where I had seen the silhouette, but there was nothing there. On the side of the road,  on the border of the treeline of the woods on the right side of the road, stood a big black dog. 

It held my game for a second before it completely disappeared right in front of my eyes.

I was clearly shaken.  I was having a perfect day and it had been a while since I had these hallucinations,  but now everything was ruined.  What the hell was happening to me?

At least,  this time it was a dog.

Would love feedback

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