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Word Count: 1801


"You live with the Kestrels!" Lauren exclaimed, it was surprising that her eyes were still in their sockets.

"Yeah. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Baby I m jealous. Like, you get to see the face of the sex god AKA Roman everyday." 

Oh not her too.

"He's way too cocky." I stated the universal truth.

She looked at me like I had horns spurting out of my heads. Yeah, heads

"Well he has every damn right to be cocky. I mean with a body like that, cocky is the least he can be."

I chuckled. I liked this girl. She had long pink hair that suited her very well and striking grey eyes which were highlighted by her pale skin.

"But tell me, how are you with Hannah?" Lauren asked.

So I took my time telling her about my first encounter with Hannah and the following ones. Lauren laughed when I told her about when they sat on me. Jace was apparently one of Hannah's on and off boyfriend's, she said they broke up last week. Lauren said it was probably because Jace apologised to me much to Hannah's disliking.

Lauren lived ten minutes away from where I lived. She was the middle child having a younger brother of sixteen and and an elder brother  of nineteen, I totally envied her luck of having siblings. Her mum worked as a lawyer and the school was run by her family.

Lauren was really something. In looks and in character. She was long and lean with a cheerleader type body. She had straight pink hair which ended below her waist and was cut in layers, pale skin which highlighted her grey eyes,  high cheekbones which had a natural pinkness to it. She wore minimal make up, just some eyeliner which outlined her eyes. She was really beautiful.

She had also found the love of her life. Food.
She ate twice as much as me and was still in great shape. And she had a passion for dancing.

Honestly, we were total opposites but we just clicked. I mean I can't dance for my life. While I can actually sing, Lauren's humming itself was off tune. She was really smart. The maths test proved it. But that wasn't all.

After maths, I noticed she didn't have a bag to dump her books into. Instead she just carried it in her hands,  when I asked her about it she said that she doesn't own a bag. Then she explained that she didn't see the point in buying one. She never studied at home so she never took her books home. And in school, she had her books in her locker and carrying it by hand was fine by her.

I could relate to her, since this was my first day at carrying around a bag and it wasn't the most comfortable feeling.

After lunch, I had French. It was my favourite subject because I was fluent in French. I grew up in France before moving to America. So naturally, I knew French.

"Bonjour classe." Madame Lavigne greeted.

She was probably in her fifties. Had shaggy clothing and a wrinkled face. And she spoke with a high pitched voice, the kind you expect from grannies.

"All right children, I see we have a new student. Why don't you introduce yourself love." She said to me.

Uhhh.... How bout no?

All eyes turned to me. I wasn't used to attention and now that I was getting it, I didn't enjoy it. I started playing with the ham of my jumper as I rummaged my brain for the things I was yo day.

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