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Play this song when I mention it. It's a good song trust me and it goes with the scene. Thanks :)

I'm done with my life. I've had enough of my mind fucking me over. "Bye Ruby." I look at my furry white Persian cat with a longing face as I step out the door.

I grab my speaker, phone, and keys and head out the door. I turn on my sleeping playlist as I drives down the side of the glorious San Francisco bridge with the windows down. I've always wanted to live here. It was my dream to stay here and become a tattoo artist. At least I did that.

As I'm walking down the side of the bridge I look up and notice for the first time how beautiful the bridge is at night. It was worth coming here at this hour.

I sit at the edge of the bridge with my speaker by my side playing "Nobody Can Save Me" by Linkin Park. I've always related to this song and sometimes cried while listening to it because of how much emotion it shared.

I'm thinking about my past life as I'm looking at the beautiful stars one last time. No one ever noticed how much I needed help.

If I can't help myself how the hell am I expecting anyone else to save me? This is ridiculous already. I break down in tears which I haven't done in forever. I'm hurt. My mind has killed my in so many more ways than one.

I stop crying when I hear someone else coming. I look to my left and see a man coming my direction but he's not coming for me. He's looking down to the water by the bridge. He's about 6'4 with a black sweater on so all I could see is his dark brown hair.

He stands at the edge of the bridge getting ready to cross over the rail to jump. "Hey!" I yelled before he fully crossed over. He looked over at me with a confused look on his face. "What are you doing?" He answers back with a rude tone "What the hell do people come here for?" He's right. It's not like you're not about to do the same thing. "Come sit for while." I insist and pat a spot next to me. He looks like he's debating whether or not to take my offer. He finally pulls his leg back after about thirty seconds of debating and walks up to me and sits.

What now? I didn't think I'd get this far. "So what brings you here?" He looks off into the water not wanting to answer. He lets out a deep breath and answers tiredly "I'm just done. I feel so weak already and I've come far enough."

"I get it. What's your name?" The stranger finally relaxes himself and replies. "Nathan" "I'm Arista. Nice to meet you." He nods his head not wanting to really speak. "What did life do to you?" I said to Nathan and I looked over his facial features since he probably didn't notice because he looked really lost in the water underneath them.

Tears came to his beautiful blue eyes which didn't deserve to be covered in tears. He looked down to his hands to avoid eye contact with me. "Two years ago my girlfriend told me she was pregnant with my baby. It was the best day of my life. She wanted to tell me first before she went to tell her parents the news. She decided to go right after she broke the news to me but I couldn't go with her because I had to go to my moms house to pick up some stuff. I got a call two hours later from a number I didn't recognize so I answered it." He looked down again after lifting his head to look at the water again and he massaged his nose. "It was a doctor from the hospital. He said my girlfriend got into a car accident and before I could get my keys they said she died instantly. She was three months along and she was so happy." He buried his face in his hands and cried. He calmed down after a minute and continued. "Ten months after she passed away I get a call from my parents telling me to meet them at the hospital. When I get there my I see my sister laying in a hospital bed and her face is blue. Turns out she had cancer and never told any of us so she could spare our feelings. Two days later she passed away. I was heart broken. She was my only sister and she was there for me all the time. Then five months later my parents get into a car wreck on their way to my house. They were right down the street when my dad called me. I heard the pain in his voice when he told my they were hit by a drunk driver. I called the cops and told them what happened. When I got to the scene I saw my parents dead in body bags. I saw the police taking away the unharmed drunk and went up to him and took all my anger out. I beat him shitless until the cops finally managed to pull me off of him. He killed my mom and dad. I've been broken ever since. All my family is gone. I don't have anyone to talk to." I could see the pain in his eyes. I felt his pain. I was crying myself. I took Nathan in my arms and held him for a minute before he pulled back. "I don't have anyone so what do I have to be here for?" He stood up and dusted himself off. "It was nice of you to let me talk so thanks I guess."

He walked forward to the rail and gripped it hard. I'm not going to let him feel this pain and I'm not going to let him go without help. I know what's that like. I won't let that happen to him. He still has a chance.

"Wait." He looked back at me. "Why don't you come to my place? Maybe we can have a drink or something. You look like you could use one." He looked at me hard yet carefully and let out a deep breath. "It doesn't have to end like this." He nodded taking my offer sincerely. "Lets go." I grabbed my keys phone and speaker that I almost left behind a few minutes ago and we headed to my car.

Hope you like it so far :)

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