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Nathan's POV

I don't know why but I feel the need to please everyone I see today. That means no fuck ups. Can't fuck up today. I need to make a good impression for Arista. For Arista. Arista.

She has me feeling ways I haven't felt in what feels like forever. It almost feels warm. Like the first sip of coffee in the morning. She's  the smell between the pages of an old book. She's the first warm day of spring. She's the smell of rain in the air. She's all my favorite things.

When I'm around Arista I feel at ease but at the same time, like my heart is about to burst.

I finish getting ready to meet her for Thanksgiving and get to know her friends and family. I take one last look at myself in the mirror of my dusty old apartment and head out the door.

On my way to Valerie's apartment I stop to pick up a mixed bouquet of sunflowers for Arista which are almost as beautiful as her. Just thinking about her I catch myself smiling. I may not know a lot about her but I want to know everything. As ugh as I can get. I want to get to know her like my favorite book. From cover to cover.

When I get to Valerie's place Arista greets me at the door almost right away. I don't even have to scan her to start smiling but I do anyways. I look at her stunning body and see a beautifully fitted yellow top with white leggings and white heels and her hair pulled back in a high ponytail. She leaves me in a trance when I see her.

"Come on in! Everything is ready and looks delicious." She says in her usual happy tone that I love. She pulls me in by my free hand and leans in with a sweet kiss. "And who are these for? They're gorgeous!" I hand them to her still smiling. "Some gorgeous flowers for a gorgeous girl."

I lean in and whisper to her "You're more gorgeous though, but don't tell them I said that." She laughs and pulls me into a longer kiss and through the door to greet everyone else.

My heart is racing but as long as I got Arista by my side I know everything will be alright.


I'm sorry I haven't written anything in forever and this is short but I have so much planned put for the next chapter. This was just a filler to put something out there. Again I'm sorry but I promise the next chapter will be good. Thank you for reading and for some votes, it does make me smile when I see a little but more reads. But I hope so far you enjoy and keep reading :)

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