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Nathan's POV 

I'm awoken by the bright sunlight seeping in through the blinds on my bay window. I try to move but my arm is practically dead due to Arista comfortably resting her head on it. I wouldn't mind at all if it felt like I actually had an arm.

I slowly try to replace my arm with a pillow without waking her but fail miserably as I accidentally pull her hair. How do girls sleep with all this hair without choking themselves in their sleep? I feel heat rise to my cheeks as she let's out a pained grunt.

"Sorry!" I tell her, rubbing the spot on her head that got pulled.

"It's okay." She smiles. She looks gorgeous in this light. I love the way it hits her eyes and turns them into a color that doesn't exist anywhere else other than this moment.

I want to stay here in this moment and kiss her all day. I reach up and swipe away the loose strands of hair covering her eyes. I feel like I can spend every morning just like this.

Maybe it's because there's too much sadness in her heart, but she kissed me last night like she needed to be kissed, like she was aching all over.

She interrupts my thoughts gluing her green eyes to mine. "What are you thinking about?" She asks reaching out and tracing my lips with her index finger.

"If I kissed you right now," I begin as I lean closer to her, "I don't think I'd be able to stop."

She closes the space between us, her lips meeting mine like she's been waiting for my invitation. Our kiss doesn't last long but I enjoyed every bit of it.

I didn't get enough of it so she has to pay for it. I smirk down at her as I lean over her and see her take notice at the playfulness in my eyes. I start to kiss her all over her neck, cheeks, nose, arms, and stomach quickly and achieving my goal of making her laugh.

She's by far the ticklish person I've ever met. Our laughter fills the room but hers taking over as I quiet down to hear it. I can't get enough of her. This is the first time I hear her excessively laugh like this and it sounds so joyful, I wish I could hear it all day.

I finally stop to let her catch her breath, when she's done she looks at me and pounces up trying to knock me over but due to our difference in size she fails and falls back down on my pillow. "Why didn't you budge?" She asks through her fit of laughs.

"Probably cause you're tiny."

"I'm average you're huge." She says pointing her finger at me in an accusing way. I can't help myself to I grab her finger and kiss it and stare at her with hunger. She looks at me with hunger but not in the same way, in a more passionate way.

She moves closer to me and sits on my lap with her legs on both sides of mine and wraps her arms around my neck and gives me a quick peck and smiles when she pulls back. I grab her thighs and gently squeeze them and start drawing circles with my thumbs on them.

"Arista?" She hums as she's resting her head on my shoulder.

"You're so beautiful. Why would you try to cause pain to yourself?" I hesitantly ask. She tenses at my question and I move her back a little by her waist so she can look at me. "You can tell me anything Baby. I'll listen and I won't judge you." I tell her as I smooth the crease between her furrowed eyebrows.

"Sometimes when I'm hurt I need something to numb the pain. Sometimes when I'm numb I need to feel something. Sometimes I don't even realize I'm doing it. My mind takes over and I can't help it." I wipe away a stray tear the falls to her cheek.

"Please call me before you do this again." I plead as I rub her thighs. She rests her hands on my lap and leans her forehead  against my chest and nods slowly. I grab her by her arms so she can look at me again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2018 ⏰

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