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I'm getting dressed and ready for work when I suddenly hear knocking at my door. I'm not expecting anyone until tonight which should be my mom and sister because they're staying tonight for thanksgiving tomorrow and then up until Sunday. I check my watch and it's only 4:30.

I walk to the door to open it and when I do I see two big happy smiles pull me into a long tight hug. "Mom? Stacey?" They start laughing at my confusion and pull away giving me a minute to comprehend the surprise.

"What happen your flight landing at 11:00?"

"Well" Stacey starts and looks at my mom with a smile. "we kinda wanted to surprise you and lied about later on. So. Surprise!" She pulls me into another hug and I see my mom standing behind her waiting for me to say something to her.

I pull away from Stacey and look at my mom again. "Hi mommy." I say with tears in my eyes and a small smile. "Hey baby." She says smiling back at me. I pull her into a tight hug and let a few tears slip onto her black flower print dress.

"I'm sorry I haven't talked to you guys in forever I've just been so-" I pause not knowing what to say and not wanting them to know about my depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia which I've hid my whole life.

"It's okay." They say at the same time. I wipe my face realizing we're still in the doorway and I invite them in. "You guys came right before I was about to go to work and I can't miss this appointment."

"Where do you work?" Stacey asks confused. I've only been working at the Picture Machine for six months since I graduated. Now I'm realizing that I haven't talked to my family in what it feels like forever.

"The tattoo shop which is about two blocks from here." I say kind of nervous about their reactions. They look surprised at my response and look at each other approvingly.

"That's amazing you got your dream job!" Stacey says now sounding excited.

"Yeah I started working there as soon as I graduated. It's pretty awesome. My two coworkers from there are the ones that are coming with us to Valerie's." We share an awkward moment of silence.

"Well I'd love to catch up but I have to go so there's leftovers in the fridge, food to cook, microwaveable foods, and the remote to the tv is on the coffee table. Oh and this is Ruby." I say as Ruby comes up to me purring and rubbing herself on my leg.

My sister and mom awe at Ruby then look around and I see my moms eyes catch the roses that Nathan gave me in a vase on the coffee table. "Oooh who are these from?" She questions walking over to them.

"Oh ah, someone gave me those a few days ago." That was a horrible response.

"Obviously a love interest, their the color of your hair Arista." Stacey says suggesting. I blush just at the thought of that night that Nate gave me the roses which she happens to notice. I blame my mom who handed down her genetically pale skin.

"I knew it! So who is he? Is he cute? What's his name?" I get swarmed with questions from my mom. "Okay look it's almost 5:30 and I'm about to be late so we'll catch up when I get back which won't be until around 12ish so enjoy yourselves to whatever and I'll see y'all later." I say running around grabbing the small things I need here and there.

I make my exit and as I'm walking down of my apartment complex I see Nathan making his way towards me. "Hey what are you doing? I'm about to go to wor-" again he shuts me up with a kiss. He pulls away quickly with a smile. "Okay you need to quit doing that." I say pointing at him with my finger.

He pulls my finger down with that smirk of his. "It's rude to point hothead." I hit him slightly in the stomach but hard enough to make him back up a little. "Oh so you're feisty and sweet? Man I hit the jackpot." He says leaning in to kiss me again. "Ah ah" I say dodging his kiss. "I'm about to be late for work so what did you come for? It couldn't have been just to kiss me or anything like that."

"Well I had to ask you what I should wear." He says biting his tongue afterward. "That's all you came for?" I ask confused with furrowed eyebrows. "Well I had to see your beautiful angel face." He says cupping me face and giving me butterfly kisses everywhere playfully. I start laughing and trying to get away from him. "Stop you're going to make me late Nathan!" I say trying not to laugh and trying to get away from him.

"But maybe a dress shirt and some jeans would be fine." I say answering his question.

"Well my job here is done then." He says walking up to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders then kissing my forehead. "I'll walk you out to your car."

"Okay that's fine." I say smiling up at him. We get downstairs to my car and he opens the door for me. "Oh you're such a gentleman!" He smiles at me and doesn't again fail to make me melt.

"Bye angel." He says leaning against my open window. He leans in and kisses me gently and slowly and makes time stop. He pulls away and so do I putting on my seatbelt. "I'll see you tomorrow. Be careful." He says leaving to his car.

Sorry for the short chapter but the next one will be good I promise :) thanks for reading don't forget to vote for my story <3

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