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We pull into a Denny's that isn't too far from where I live. "You ready?" I look at him actually pretty excited considering I haven't eaten in a while. "Starving." He looks at me with a genuine smile which I've now seen for the first time.

We get off the car and get seated ready to order right away. When we sit in our booth and order we look at each other awkwardly but I sort of like it. He's somewhat shy. "Okay so we haven't officially met yet. I'm Arista Green." I hold out my hand for Nathan to shake. "Nathan Smith." He shakes my hand and we laugh.

"So tell me about yourself Nathan Smith."  I give him a little smirk and wait for him to answer. "Well what do you want to know?" I roll my eyes smiling and look at him grinning which makes us both smile a little more. "I don't know maybe where you grew up, your favorite things, your dreams, your goals?"

He looks at me probably thinking about where to start. "I grew up in Los Angeles. I lived there until I was about twenty one and came here with the money I saved up. I moved out here just for the hell of it honestly. I work at a car repair shop which I'm actually pretty happy with since I have some sort of passion for cars."  He stays quiet for a few seconds and when I'm about to ask him something he says "I don't really have any dreams or goals. Well not realistic ones at least."

"Well what are they anyways?" He's about to answer when the waiter comes with our food. Once we're settled and eating I ask again. "So as you were saying?" He lets out a sigh and starts talking again.

"I want to live in the mountains with the love of my life and a few kids and we all live happy together." He looks down at his food and continues eating. "Well that sounds pretty realistic if you ask me." He scoffs at me and smirks.

"I don't think anyone would be willing to be my wife and have children with me if I can't give them my all." We stay silent for a minute eating until he catches me off guard. "What about you?" I look up with my mouth full of pancake. "What?" I muffle through my food. He chuckles and I smile and feel a blush come to my pale white cheeks. He lifts his right eyebrow still eating waiting for me to get it. "Oh!" I almost yelled as I wipe the sticky mess from my mouth.

"Well I grew up all over the south-east part of Texas. My family was always moving around looking for a place to stay. I moved out here because I came here for the summer when I was younger and loved it. So I looked into SFU and got a scholarship and now I'm a tattoo artist." He looks at me and lifts his eyebrows in shock. "You're a tattoo artist?"

"Yes I am, is there a problem with that?" I say in a sassy tone. "No I just wouldn't have guessed you would have that kind of job I mean for one, you don't have any tattoos. Second, you look like you go to college, work at a library, and volunteer on your spare time."

"Who said I didn't have any tattoos?" We both laugh and he lifts his hands up in defense. "I just assumed you didn't have any since I haven't seen any."

"That's where you're wrong Mr.Smith." We both laugh cleaning up our little mess since we're done eating. "Hey I'll be right back I'm just gonna go to the restroom."

"Alright I'll ask for the check so we can leave."  He gets up and I call the waiter over so I can pay. When I'm done I see Nathan coming back so I get up and we head towards the door. Shit it's raining.

"Fuck I forgot my sweater. I knew I was forgetting something. Oh well I guess Ima have to make a run for it." I say smiling looking up at Nathan. As I'm about to walk out the door Nathan grabs my arm and pulls me back putting his sweater over me so I can put it on.

"Oh it's okay the car isn't that far." He scoffs and says "Shut up and just put it on, don't want you getting sick now do we?" I roll my eyes smiling and putting his black sweater on. "Ready?" He smiles at me and opens the door for me and we race to the car and get in laughing.

I turn on my car and put on my pandora. The song Collar Full by Panic! At The Disco comes on. "Ugh I love this song." I say turning up the volume a little bit. I can see Nathan trying to catch his breath next to me smiling and looking at me. I look back at him and smile too because how can I not.

"So where's your place at?" He gives me the directions as I'm driving and we get to an apartment complex not too far away. "I'll see you around hot head." He says getting out of my car and walking towards the building. I roll down my window and yell at him. "Was that a compliment?"

He turns around and smiles. "Your hair is as red as fire but you can look at it the way you want." I chuckle. This dude. "I'll take it!" He smiles wider and turns walking to the building again. As I'm driving home I turn on the radio and flip through the stations and leave it at Ride by Twenty One Pilots. 

When I get home excited to watch my favorite show I smell a familiar cologne. Shit. I put my hands in the pockets and don't feel the paper I put in here anymore. I'm really hoping he took it.

I cuddle with a pillow and think about the morning I had. I smell the sweater I'm still wearing one more time and turn on the tv. Ruby comes up to me and lays next to me and falls asleep. I listen to the rain outside my window and think about how I wouldn't have been able to hear it right now if I wouldn't have met Nathan.

I smile to myself and think about again everything yet nothing again. I feel like a teenager again wondering if he'll call me or not and afraid he won't but anxious he is. Oh my lord what have I gotten myself into. I fall asleep on the arm of the couch with my baby by my side hoping Nathan Smith will call me.

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