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Audrey's POV

"So I grabbed a bucket of water and threw it over both of them telling them to get the hell out then nearly beat the shit out of them before they left." Maggie and I burst into laughter as she's telling me a story about how her and her ex-boyfriend recently broke up, well, how she dumped him when she caught him cheating with her roommate as we're in the hallway between the living room and the kitchen.

We're still laughing as we decide to make our way to the living room to sit with the guys as I hear the words I wish I didn't. "Why don't you just ask her out?" That's Nathan but who's he talking to? "I don't know. Just never occurred to me I guess." Mark. They're talking about me. He's never thought about asking me out? I thought he had feelings for me? Why is he denying them? Does he feel differently now? What did I do wrong this time?

"Just start laughing and don't let him know you heard." Maggie says to me as we walk to the couches to sit, laughing as fake as we can but it sounds pretty real to me. We're still laughing but Maggie's already started conversing with Nathan and Brad, I'm just going with it to avoid Mark.

I can't help but look at him. His jawline is so sharp and his hair is just so perfect. I can't help but feel hurt looking at him. He doesn't want me. I guess we really don't feel the same about each other. I can't look at him anymore.

I walk back to the kitchen to look for Arista and ask for who or advice, she always knows what to say. I walk in on her, Valerie, and Christina laughing before I can say anything. She looks so happy I don't want to take her away from that. I'll just talk to her later I guess.

Arista's POV 

"So when are you due?" I ask Val as she grabs her belly. "Yeah, you look like you could pop any minute now." Audrey adds walking into the kitchen with us. I smile at her but receive a fake one in return. Yeah I'm not falling for it but I'll talk to her later. I'm sure she'll be fine.

"December twenty third." She answers laughing. "Damn!" "But that's still another month!?" Christina and I exclaim at the same time. "I know I feel so fat, I don't know if I'm going to be able to hold on any longer, this child wants to see the family already."

"Oh! Is it a boy or a girl?" I can't belive I haven't asked yet. "That, she will now tell us no matter how many times we ask so don't waste your breath." Christina informs me. "Why not?" I say pouting.

"It's a surprise for Brad! I told him to pick out names for both and he said he won't tell me the names unless I tell him the gender so we're waiting for the day the baby is born."

"For Brad!" I say mocking Valerie and batting my eyelashes. I earn another glare today from her and stick my tongue out at her in return. "You're such a child." She says laughing.

"Valerie, this pie was so delicious as well as everything else, we appreciate the hard work you put into today." My mom says coming from the table as well as Stacey. "Thank you Mrs.Green I'm so glad you liked it." My mom smiles at her while Stacey stays silent behind her. "Arista I think we should head back to your place already, it's getting kind of late." I sigh but right before I'm about to give in I remember how much I hated this. My mom always dragging me out of places, being so fake in front of everyone she meets, and just being so, I don't even know how to explain her.

"Yeah you can, here are my keys. Stace knows how to get back I'll have Nathan drop me off later." She looks at me in shock as I hand her the keys to my car and apartment. She doesn't like arguing in front of other people so she let's me be and leaves with Stacey following behind her like a lost puppy. I need to talk to them about this when I get home. "Okay then I'll see you later, bye girls you have a lovely night."

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