Moving in?!

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*Aurora's POV*

I mean, moving in with my amazing boyfriend and my best friends sounds lit! Why not. Yolo am I right? Maybe I will move in with them. I mean, I'll be living with my boyfriend, my best friend and my sister will be here too, the boys are literally my brothers. Why the hell not?

Jo- So Rory? What's your answer?
R- Of course! Why not right! This will be amazing I have to tell the girls!

I run off into Jonah's bedroom and FaceTime Quinn. I know Alissa will be there too.

*Facetime Call*

A- Hey Rory what's up?
R- What would you guys do if I told you I'm moving after I come home from vacation with Jonah?
Q- I would say no way in hell.
A- Yeah, Rory you aren't moving.
R- What if I told you I was moving to the WDW house?
Q- Sill no way in hell
A- Rory no
R-What if I told you that you guys are moving in with us?
A- Why the hell couldn't you have said that in the first place??
R- I don't know, I wanted to freak you guys out!
A- We are coming over right now to talk about this!
Q- Yep!
R- Ok see you in a few!
*End of call*

I'm so excited! I decided to post a pic on Instagram



Excited cause @Quinn_Harley, @Alissa_Violet and myself are moving in with @WhyDontWeMusic! Yayyy!!

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Excited cause @Quinn_Harley, @Alissa_Violet and myself are moving in with @WhyDontWeMusic! Yayyy!!


@JonahMarais- Im so excited!! Love u Rory!

@BeautyChickee- Can I move in too!😭

@CorbynBesson- Duh! @BeautyChickee!


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*Jonah's POV*

We decided that they girls would half move their stuff while Rory and I were gone. Then Rory will move the rest when she gets home. I'm super excited that my girlfriend will be moving in with me. We have 2 days until we leave. I think Rory is packing at the moment. I know she is really stressed, she is making sure she has everything. So I think I will ask Juliette, Quinn and Alissa to finish packing for her while I take her on a date. I'm also going to get them to pack a separate suitcase with more clothes and stuff for Rory's birthday surprise.

*Facetime with Alissa*

J- Yo Alissa!
A- What do you want
J- Can't I just call my girlfriend's twin sister to say hi?
A- No you can't. What do you need.
J- Finneee! I was wondering if you, Quinn and Juliette would come and finish packing for Rory, she is super stressed so I wanted to take her on a date. Also I need you guys to pack a separate suitcase with a week of clothes cause we are *********************** for her birthday and you guys ************* so you need to pack.
J- Thank you so much!
A- Whatever bye.
*End of call*

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