August 19, 2017 - Chapter Boring (Day 1)

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A/N: Trust me, I know this part is a bit boring, but it gets much better later, I promise.

6:30 AM

"Nep... why..."
Neptune had yelled at me while I was sleeping because she wanted to go on another 'adventure'. "Come on! It'll be fun!" she pleaded. I sighed. There's no point in arguing with her, so I nodded and followed her.


When we FINALLY arrived, Neptune walked over to a bush and seemed to be... talking to it? "Neptune, what are you doing?" She didn't reply. I walked up to her and gave her shoulder a little tap. She didn't even move from that. I gently tried to turn her around, but she wouldn't let me, it seemed. With the urge to sleep, I yelled "NEPTUNE!!" and fell asleep.


I woke up, on my bed, suprisingly, to the sound of Neptune... softly singing? How is that possible? Doesn't she usually play games at this time? I left my room and saw Neptune singing a sweet sound to little kids. When she finished, she said,

"Now, little kids, next time, don't run away from your parents, okay?"

"Okay, miss! Thank you!" a kid said. The other kids gave their thanks and left the Basilicom.

"Hey... Neptune, are you sure they will be able to find their homes on their own?"

"Huh? Oh, don't worry, they usually do."

"Well, alright..." I walked up to the kitchen only to here a loud BONK from a wall in IF and Compa's room. I nearly dropped the plate I was holding but I didn't, thank God, so I placed the plate on a table and rushed to their room. "What happened?" I asked. "Um... IF got mad all of a sudden and threw her phone across the room..." Compa replied. "But why?" I picked up the phone and read what was on the screen. I was prepared to throw the phone myself. "This can't be... Sadist Zap is back in town..."

Zap and the Goddesses: NeptuneWhere stories live. Discover now