August 26, 2017 - New Class (Day 5)

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9:00 AM, My Room

I woke up, still tired, probably because I used 500 SP (What A Deal! 600 --> 500!!) on my Triple Electric Volcano. I looked to my right and saw Raziél passed out on a mattress. "Heh... suck it, girls." I knew the girls would be disappointed to see Raziél not in their rooms. "Lewd, Zap..." Raziél was muttering in his sleep. I wonder if anyone is awake...


In the kitchen, a cool breeze hit me. Pretty cold. Is it 65°F in here or something? Anyway, I decided to let breakfast wait, not wanting to wake anyone. When IF and Compa came down, I decided, up or not, I'm making breakfast. I cooked up some pancakes... IF, Compa, Nep and Nepgear, Histoire, Raziél and me... 2 each would make 14 pancakes... holy goddess... I managed though. How much pancake batter is in this Basilicom?


Everyone sat down to eat, happily enjoying their pancakes. I finished mine already, so I decided to see the outside for a bit. When I walked out, I saw something nailed onto a nearby tree. It said:

Ninja Lessons

Free Lesson!!

Learn to be a Master in one Day!!

Go to the Art of Fighting Dojo!!

Hmm... being a sword-master (kinda), a ninja wouldn't be too bad, right? I decided to go there. I mean, I already used a shuriken once before (only had one), so why not?

9:25, Art of Fighting Douji- I mean Dojo

I walked inside, and a man put his hands together and bowed, so I did the same. "Welcome. You will have fun here. But be warned that this is not simply learning. you will have to compete against others," he said. "Are you beginner, intermediate, or advanced?" I decided to test my luck. "Advanced, please." He nodded and gestured to follow him.

"Everyone, meet this young man. He goes by..." he looked at me. "Zap," I said, and they all did that bow greeting thingy. So did I. "Now, let's see if you are truly worthy of advanced. Use these shurikens and hit all the targets on that wall." I looked around and saw 10 tiny targets around the wall. He gave me exactly 10 shurikens. I decided to try my luck. I threw all the shurikens and yelled, "Thunder's Edge!" Luckily, they all flew out and each one hit a target. Did I mention the targets were like 10 yards away? "Very good," he said. He showed all of us 7 poles (there's 7 of us) with small mini poles sticking out horizontally. Instantly, the roof disappeared and the poles grew, showing more mini poles. "First one to reach the top and jump down uninjured wins. Begin," he said, and I went beast on the pole, jumping on each mini pole every half second. I reached the top and jumped down before the others were even 80% done. "I think you are worthy of the final test," he said. He walked through a wall and I followed. Some others tried to but they simply bumped into it. I could walk through it no problem, though.

"This obstacle course must be completed within 45 seconds. If not, you die," he said, calmly. I ran across the first one, rolling as lasers appeared above me. The next one contained 5 shurikens on a log and 5 targets. I grabbed them all and tossed them. They all hit. The last stage contained a much thinner, taller pole with even smaller mini poles. I somehow did it with 0.31 seconds to spare. "Well done," he said. "You are a true ninja." And I jumped off the pole and into the streets, uninjured.

10:20, Basilicom

I walked into the Basilicom to find it empty. A note was on the table:

 A note was on the table:

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Looks like they need me.

10:35, Virtua Forest

The 5, Nep, Nepgear, IF, Compa, and Raziel, were actually losing to around 500,000 dogoos. Can't blame them. "Let's see... Thunder's Edge won't work... neither will Electric Volcano..." I was useless. "Wait, Zap, where did you go?" Raziél asked. That's right! I'm a ninja too now! "Ninja Class: Activate!" Suddenly, I was in a ninja's outfit, all ready to go, and I immediately forgot about my Sword Skills. New skill went into my mind. "HELLFIRE!!" I jumped in the air and threw a shuriken. Instantly it multiplied into 2, then 4, then 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128, all the way to 524,288 (I used a calculator, what now, mathematicians) and they all hit the dogoos. Instantly they all faded. "Thunder Class: Activate!" I turned back to my normal Zap self. "Amazing! When did you learn that?" Nepgear asked in curiosity. "Why do you think I was gone for so long? Now let's go back."

5:00 PM, My Room

Raziél and I were just chilling until Nep ran into our room. "Check this out!" she yelled, and we followed her. Raziél frowned when he saw the picture. "What's wrong?" I asked. "That picture... it looks too real. Neptune, where did this come from?" Raziél asked. "Oh, it was just outside our door." she said. "No... that means!" I couldn't believe it. Instantly gas filled the room and we all fainted.

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