September 2, 2017 - I'm Full of Surprises (Day 12 - PP 3)

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5:00 AM

"Wake up, Zap!"

"Hmm... what? Oh, yeah!"

As you... probably know, Quake and I are the only ones that can wake up. The girls and Storm have passed out for some reason, and Raziél is at Lastation, unfortunately.

"Neptune was supposed to practice today..." Quake muttered. That's right, Neptune is trying to up her shares by becoming an idol. Unfortunately, that isn't going well, because this. "First off, what caused them to pass out?" I sniffed the air. "Smells like some sort of perfume... except really disgusting..." I said. Quake stood up. "Alright, we're going to find the perfume bastard, and we're going to KILL HIM!!

6:30 AM, ASIC HQ

"This place exists?" I asked Quake. "Eh, convenient enough. Now, how do we get in without:

"A: Raising the alarms?
"B: Blowing up the place and... A?
"C: Dying? And... A?"

I thought about that. "Let's see... we know Arfoire is here... and S. Zap... Warechu... Underling... Sparky..." Quake looked at me. "Hold on, you said S. Zap, right?" I shook my head. "I can't reach his levels of crazy, plus my whip is different from his." Quake considered this. "If you can transform into a ninja, and a gunner... how about Sparky?" I thought about that too. "Transform into Sparky... what if she's in there?" Just then the doors opened and we hid under a bush. Sparky walked out. "I swear, if Warechu does that ever again, I will kill him..." Quake and I exchanged looks. "What Warechu did?" Quake asked. "I don't know. Now, about that transformation... it's a long shot, but we could try." I thought about Sparky, and suddenly I felt like I had longer hair. "Hey, it worked!" Quake said, and I nodded. "A bit uncomfortable, but I can manage. Now, I'll calmly walk in there, and you can sneak around. They shouldn't be watching you if I just got in..." I walked to the doors and placed my foot on the step. "Password," an intercom said. Dammit, I don't know that? "Uh... ASIC, we aren't basic. We're the best, not the rest." The intercom went silent. "You may come in, Sparky," it said. I walked in, shocked. Are you serious? A rhyme?! I walked in and Quake went instant ninja, bouncing around everywhere. Just then I was knocked into a pile of hay. "You're back already? Did you... miss me?" I felt a body on my chest, and when the lights turned on, I saw Warechu. "Umm, no. What the hell are you doing?! Aren't you supposed to be working?" Warechu smiled. "Ah, that's what I like about you. Charming,"'he said. Dammit, Sparky's a C Cup. Why else would he fall for her? "Warechu, I will kill you if you don't get off me," I warned. He sighed and jumped off. "You're never any fun.... fine," Warechu said. He walked over to another room. "That mouse is tough, huh," someone said. I looked over and saw Underling. "Hey, Linda," I guessed. Hopefully Sparky called her that. "You know, it's great that you call me by that name, no-one else does. Especially those stupid goddess candidates," she said. Suddenly she was knocked out. "Um, about Warechu... I'm sorr.... HAHAHAHAAA!!" Quake started laughing like he was being tickled everywhere really hard. "Oh well, I'll just have to keep this going a little longer. Don't make me turn you in," I joked. Quake nodded and gestured to a door with a keycard slot. I grabbed my sword and broke through the door. "WHAT THE HELL, SPARKY?!" someone yelled. "I forgot my keycard!!" I yelled back. "WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST FRICKIN' ASK FOR ONE?! YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS REPAIRING EVERY DOOR HERE!" A man appeared in front of me with a toolbox. "I don't give a hell! Beat it!" I said. I walked into the door. It seems like Quake's already in there. "Look, the sleeping gas!" He pointed to a large container that said, 'Drowsy Dose. Do Not Inhale Unless You Want Nightmares and Eternal Sleep.' "Hold on, nightmares? I can't imagine what Neptune's would be," Quake said. "Pssh.. probably an empty fridge of pudding." Just then a figure appeared behind the door. "Actually, everyone gets the same nightmare. A long, painful death," he said, "Thanks for staying in here. Good luck trying to escape." He shot the container and the gas started spreading. Quake and I both passed out.

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