August 31, 2017 - PP Special (Day 10 - PP 1)

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A/N: Looks like I'm gonna be doing a Producing Perfection fanfic. In case you were wondering, there will be that director, so it's not me.


7:00 AM, Basilicom

I was at the sink, washing my mouth. I forgot to wash it after what Angel did yesterday, and honestly, I'm just so tired...


Kill me.

"What is it, Nep?" I called out to her. "Come here!" I followed her. At the door, a guy about 5' 4" (one inch taller than me, dammit!) and looked to be around 18? "Sup," I said. He nodded and waved. "Can you talk?" I asked. I tried not to sound too rude, but he seems like he doesn't have the 'I'm a tall business man with a super neat tie and tuxedo and I never talk so don't try to start a convo with me' vibe. "Course I can! How are you?" he asked. "Good. Oh, that's right! Zap, this is... uh, what's your name?" Neptune asked. Suddenly, a screen popped up out of nowhere:


___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

The guy closed his eyes like he was thinking, and suddenly:


Q     U     A      K     E
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

He hit yes. "Hey, my name is Quake, I'm an Earth Elemental, what's your name?" he asked us. "I'm Zap, and this is Neptune. Why are you here?" I asked. "I'm here to be the director for one of the goddesses." And suddenly the other 3 goddesses walked into the room. "So... who're you going to choose then?" I asked. "Simple. I'm going to be with Neptune." he said firmly. The others nodded and left.

2:00 PM, My Room

I was chillin' on my bed while Quake and Neptune were practicing, because really, what other choice do I have? "Hey Zap!" I nearly jumped off my bed and stabbed the person at the door.

*Bold indicates what I did

Off the bed --> on the floor --> at the door -/-> stabbed the guy at the door

"Quake?" I was crawling on the floor, at the door to my room. "Neptune's hungry, she said something about you making pudding, because someone named Compa isn't home, or something," he replied. I nodded and crawled to the kitchen.

Out the door --> at the kitchen -/-> on my feet

I'm still on the floor, because I'm just so bored... but now I'm standing up and making Neptune a huge pudding. Why? I'm bored. Neptune was sitting on the couch like she just ran 3 marathons in a row. "Can you add extra caramel on that? Thanks," she told me. I sighed and got out the XL bottle of extra sweetened caramel. Don't ask me how she isn't 500 pounds yet...

5:00 PM, Virtua Forest

"Thunder's Edge!" I'm trying to raise my level. Right now I'm 40, and I'm trying to up it just in case there's a boss fight. "Cross-Steal! Light Wave!" Rest In Peace 15 dogoos. "Hey, did you know that dogoos have more intelligence than the average Lightning Elemental?" Quake appeared behind the Bleacher Tree. (remember how bleachers appeared whenever I crashed into the tree?) He used to tease all the other elementals like that, and now that he's staying at the Planeptune Basilicom, he looks familiar. "Very funny, Quake. Did you know that dogoos have more strengh than the average Earth Elemental?" He laughed. "Haha. Well anyway, I'm going to need your help with this idol thing. Neptune is a... tough one." I nodded and followed him back to the Basilicom.

7:00, Basilicom

"Higher, Neptune!" Neptune was practicing her jumps, and does Quake know his teaching techniques. He's good! "I'm tired. Let's have a pudding break-" I shook my head. "No more pudding until tomorrow," I told her. She looked disappointed and continued practicing her jumps. It went like that until 10 PM, then we all went to bed.

Zap and the Goddesses: NeptuneWhere stories live. Discover now