August 20, 2017 - Noire's Issue (Day 2)

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10:00 AM

"Um, IF, I really think we should-"

"No! We have to stop him now!" IF was yelling really loudly, and outside the 'civilians' were wondering where that noise came from. "You can't just rush out to who knows where and attack him! People will think you're a crazy killer!" I tried to reason with her. "But if we wait any longer, he might torture all the women in Planeptune!" I sighed. There's no reasoning with these people. "Alright, let's go."


IF, Neptune and I had just barely gone outside when I saw Sadist Zap trying to torture a woman. She frantically tried to resist, but S. Zap kept walking closer to her, cornering her into a tree. I should've just suprise attacked, but instead, I yelled: "Hey, you! Or... me! Hey, me!" I got his attention instantly. "Oh. It's you! What do you want, I'm busy!"

"You don't have permission to get involved with anyone here in that way until you can beat me in a match!"

"Sounds great! Let's fight!"

And so we proceeded to fight, until both of us were tired, without a scratch on either of us, just like our first fight. "Man, you tire me out! I'm going," he said. I waved, for some reason, and he left. "See, I told you we should've gone out early!" IF said to me. I had forgotten she and Neptune were there. "Yeah, well, we're done, so let's just go."


Neptune pleaded for pudding, so we went out for that. When he arrived home, we saw Histoire moving around the Basilicom like there was an emergency. "What's wrong Histoire?" I asked. Histoire looked at us with gratefulness in her eyes. "There's an emergency at Lastation's Basilicom, and Noire needs our help. Can you three go over there?" she asked. We all nodded and went out.

1:30 PM

When we arrived at the Basilicom, we saw the guards blocking our path. "Do you have business with Lady Noire? Unfortunately, she is quite busy at the moment, so please, come back soon." The guards tried to push us away, but I stopped them. "Actually, we're from Planeptune, and our Oracle has informed us Lady Noire is in trouble, and needs our help." The guards looked at one another and moved out of the way, letting us in. When we walked in, we were all shocked. Noire was playing a game on a huge TV, probably like 90" or something, and she was playing as hard as she works. The TV was so loud, I don't think she heard Neptune when she said "Noire!" so I shouted "NOIRE!!" but she still couldn't hear. While Neptune and IF walked over to Noire, I walked into her room and saw Uni dashing around the room, doing papers and all that boring stuff. "Hey Uni, what's with Noire?" "I don't know!" she said. "Noire has been playing on her new flatscreen ever since she got it, and Lastation's shares have been dropping. So I decided to work while she's playing."

"Hold up. Didn't you try to stop her?" I asked. "I tried, but she just gave me a cold stare and went back to her game. I don't know if she's normal right now." "Hmm... let me try something." I walked out of the room and saw Neptune and IF blocking Noire's view to get her attention, and somehow she's still playing. Then I saw something on her head. I removed the thing (it was headphones) and she still didn't move. So I grabbed a megaphone and yelled with all my might: "NOIRE!! GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GAME AND GET TO WORK OR I SWEAR I WILL TOSS YOUR TV ALL THE WAY TO LEANBOX!!" And what do you know? She didn't even move, although I think I deafened everyone within 5 miles of us. "Alright, Noire is obviously no longer aware of her nation anymore... which means... NOIRE!! GET IN THE GAME RIGHT NOW OR YOUR COSPLAYING CLOTHES GO STRAIGHT INTO THE TRASH!!" And finally!! Finally!... she looked at me then went back to gaming. "Hmm... hey M. Blanc, got anything?" I asked, hopeful. He shook his head. "Hey wait, I was in Lowee. How'd I get here?" he asked, suddenly realizing where he was." "Magic," I said. Anyway, our real importance right now is Noire. But... I want lunch.


After Neptune, Uni, M. Blanc, IF and I had lunch, we all tried to get Noire to stop playing whatever she's playing. Male Blanny called Ryan, the twins, and pretty much every character in his The Random Life of Ryan Hmiri book (check it out) to help. After some time, I finally got it. Though this was super awkward, I kissed Noire on the cheek, and instantly she got out from her game and her face was all red. "Why would you do that?!" she yelled. "So you could get away from your game..." I muttered. I put a thumbs up behind my back to everyone. I'm sure they got the message.


When Neptune, IF and I arrived home, we all literally crashed the second we got onto our beds. The others just have to wonder why we're sleeping so early.


I woke up, for some reason. Everyone is sleeping right now, so I'm writing this at the same time I'm experiencing it. I don't know why I'm hiding this from the others, though. Oh well. I'm a bit hungry, anyway, so I'm going to get a snack. Be bac


Ok, I kinda stopped there because I was super hungry, and I had to get something. I'm not fixing it though, because it's just one letter. Welp, now I'm tired, so I guess I should sleep.

3:00 AM

Nope, can't sleep. I got bored, so I walked out onto the balcony (never knew there was one, lul) and watched the stars. After some time, someone came outside. It was Neptune. "Hey Neptune. Couldn't sleep either?" I asked, softly. "Yeah, it was hard to sleep, considering what happened today," she replied. "Alright. Hey, look at that!" she looked over to where I was pointing. It was a shooting star! "Make a wish," I said. She closed her eyes and muttered something. And then we both went back to sleep.

Zap and the Goddesses: NeptuneWhere stories live. Discover now