September 1, 2017 - Take 5... er... the Whole Day (Day 11 - PP 2)

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8:00 AM

"Get up."


"Wake up."

"You can't make me..."

"Double caramel pudding with extra stuffing in the fridge."

"GET ME OUTTA HERE!! I NEED MY PUDDING!! YOU'RE BLOCKING MY WAY QUAKE!!" A classic way to wake up Neptune. I would've laughed, but... I was trying to go to FRICKIN BED!! DAMMIT QUAKE!! I walked over to the living room, almost falling on the wall 24/7, because I had no energy. (A/N: One day I slept at 12:30 with full energy. Probably because I was playing Naruto Blazing from 9:30 to 12:00.) "What are we doing today?" I asked Quake. "We're uh... refreshing." he told me. "Quake, can't you say 'take a break?' You don't have to say what the game says..." Neptune replied, eating her pudding. "Quake, you can make pudding?" I asked. "What? No, Compa made a whole sta..." He leaned over to me, Neptune out of earshot. "Compa made a whole stash in the fridge, but I hid all but one." I nodded. "So... what now?" Quake asked. "I'ma go take a shower. I feel filthy." Neptune walked over to the bathroom. "Hmm... wanna play some games?" Odd. Does Quake already know everything about this place? "I guess so..."

9:30, Living Room

"I WIN!!" Quake probably woke everyone in Gamindustri. The screen was labeled: 20-19. "Dammit Quake, what's up with you and your luck?" I won 19 in a row, then he just won all 20 instantly. "I believe it's called skills. Just like this! Rumble!" The floor shook and the TV nearly fell off its stand. "Woah, Quake. Skills in battle only, please." He nodded. Just then a huger rumble followed up. "That wasn't me-" Quake began. "I know it wasn't! Come on!"

11:00, You guessed it... Virtua Forest

I nearly fell a couple times, but Quake kept running like the floor never moved. "Earth Elemental Passive Skill: I can resist moving earth." I nodded and nearly hit a dogoo. Luckily, I stopped just in time. Wait... is the dogoo green? And holy goddess, is it huge. "Hey! How much kale did you eat!" Quake yelled and laughed, but then the dogoo split into 1000 dogoos and pummeled Quake. "Would you like an order of... save me or die?" I asked him. It came out as "HUMP ME!!" but I knew he needed help. I used Thunder's Edge and Quake jumped up, gasping for air. "You want the dogoos to hump you?" I asked him. "Dammit Zap! Don't say anything!" The dogoos jumped on both of us, but since they had less and we had 'more,' we could take them on easily. We went back to the Basilicom

1:00 PM, Basilicom

There was a lake nearby the Forest and Quake jumped in, washing himself, although he still smelled like kale. (I didn't tell him that.) "Quake... what happened to you?" Should I mention this... half of Quake's shirt was taken by the slime and his chest was... bare. "I have spare shirts in my room. With luck you'll find a brown one..." He nodded and walked over to my room.


By now we were all refreshed, dinner eaten, showers taken. Everyone was at the dining table, but then all the girls and Storm dropped their heads on the table, leaving Quake and me awake, bewildered. We both went to sleep--in our rooms, mind you--and have I mentioned Raziél went to stay in Lowee for a while? Probably because of Male_Blanc, but I honestly don't know.

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