Chapter two

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''Today we will be going to Go Ape make sure you're on your best behaviours.'' Linda said.

I got onto the mini bus and sat at the back. The journey begun.

'' Hey Riley, you're looking very fine today''

'' Oh very funny Ben.''

The soothing music suffocated our ears. This is when Ben started to sing to me. We had never really spoke much before, but we seemed to get along well on this trip. We were jiggling to the music while sitting in our seats.

We arrived at our destination. We had to climb enormous trees and my safety was in my own hands- oh brilliant..

The wind wailed between distorted trunks, carrying the sickly stink of wood rot. I moved faster, ignoring the briars that caught at my jeans, the damp leaves that grimed my skin. I started climbing the trees, praying that I'd hurry and reach the end. My hands started to burn, my feet started to ache. Can I just fall already?

I could smell the musky, slightly mouldy smell. But it wasn't a bad smell, it felt fresh. I felt free for once.

I connected my harness one more time. I let go and I went down the zip wire. It was the best feeling ever.

We all got on the mini bus back. But this time we only had one teacher with us.

I sat back as I watched Sam and Sapphire arguing. Sapphire wasn't a very well looked after girl, she was skanky. Her hair was greasy and she was too mouthy for her own good. I watched Sapphire chuck a tomato at Sam. But this soon got out of hand.

''If anyone else throws one more thing I will stop this bus.'' Mila shouted.

I felt sorry for Mila as she was the only teacher so I tried to keep peace. But then Sapphire wouldn't stop then everyone joined in throwing more and more stuff.

I felt a tomato hit my face. At this point I was just as annoyed as Mila, I returned the tomato straight back to Sapphire face.

''That's it, STOP THE BUS!'' Mila shouted.

We all got off in the freezing cold. I  watched Mila make a few phone calls to the teachers.

'' You can all return back onto the mini bus but if I hear anything else from any of you then you will be punished when we get back to school as well.''


'' Yes, Mum?''

'' I have just had a lady called Mila on the phone from your school and I'm not happy! I thought you was going to behave at this school?''

'' I haven't done anything? What did she say I have done?''

''She said you and two other girl have been throwing tomatoes across the bus in which she had to stop it.''

'' She's lying, what the fuck. I only chucked one thing. I tried to keep the peace.''

This was driving me insane. Mila got me excluded for a week, for trying to help her? What was wrong with this women?

One week had passed and I built so much anger up towards Mila. How dare she?

I walked into school and first I had Mila? How wonderful.

I refused to go into her class.

'' I am not going into that bitches class.''

'' Riley, if you have an issue then confront me about it.''

'' I have an issue with you Mila, why did you lie about me? I only chucked one thing, I was trying to keep the peace for you.''

'' Well that's not how I saw it, I hope you learned your lesson. Now are you going to come in class or keep whining?''

Gosh what was wrong with this bitch. Why is she testing me.

'' You're an actual bitch. I learned my lesson, to never stick up for a bitch again.''

I stormed off, making sure she knew I wasn't going into her class. How dare she? I actually hate this lady. She gets under my skin. I'm certain she hates me just as much as I hate her. Why would she lie? Everyone agreed that I had done nothing wrong, but she still said I had.

The rest of the day past and Mila and I exchanged glances but glances full of hatred. I made sure that bitch knew I was angry.

Green eyes (student/teacher) ℓєѕвιαи яσмαи¢єWhere stories live. Discover now