Chapter six

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I entered the entrance of my school. Today being any other ordinary day at this hell hole.

I sat in the games room with all of my friend.

'' I've been selling drugs from school.'' Ben whispered.

'' Ben, you are such an idiot, have you actually?'' I responded.

'' Yes, started my own little business.''

*A few hours later*

'' Why is there hand prints all over the ceiling.'' I heard Ethan say to Linda. I looked up and saw blood prints across each little sector of the ceiling. It looked like something out of a horror movie.

I watched the teachers put glitter up there, clueless to what they was actually doing that for.

I went into lesson and carried on with my study's, well I say study's but we don't actually learn much.

The lesson seemed really shifty, it was as if the teachers were up to something and I found it rather strange that they put glitter inside a sector of the ceiling.

I watched Ben enter the room, a trail of glitter following behind him.

'' Ben why do you have glitter all over you.'' Lucy asked in a screechy voice.

I watched the teachers heads turn like an owl.

That's when it clicked, they set Ben up.

I heard a familiar sound, getting closer by the second. A sound we hear a lot from here... it was the police sirens.

The police barged through the school entering the classroom.

'' There he is.'' I watched Ethan pointing Ben out.

'' I haven't fucking done anything you stupid prick. Ben responded in an aggressive manner. getting more and more angrier by the minute.

'' We caught you out Ben, we put glitter inside the ceiling so when whoever went to get the drugs there would be a trail following behind them.'' Linda said.

By this point Ben had lost his temper, he pushed Linda and then swung a punch at Ethan.

I watched the police pound at Ben. They tackled him to the floor and restrained him. I watched Ben try to resist being arrested.

The police picked him up. He was flapping his legs and arms everywhere, I was beginning to think he would fly off in a minute.

They chucked him into the bag of the van and he got taken away.

'' Right guys, the drama is over. Due to the current circumstances that have just raised arised, we have decided to send you all home.'' Ethan said.

A few of the lads were laughing and cheering. I felt sorry for Ben in way. The fact he'd just throw his future away like that. I also hated the fact that he'd put his hands on a women.

The taxis arrived and it was time to go home.

I walked into my room and started thinking of today's events... what an eventful day. I decided not to tell my parents due to the fact they probably think I'm a druggy yet I'd never touch drugs.

I was such a closed person. I didn't allow anyone in. I never spoke to my parents about anything. I also had a lot of anger built up inside me because of my past.

My thoughts suddenly switched to Mila, this occurred quite frequently. I decide to take a short nap. Praying the day would end and I'd finally be able to see Mila.

Green eyes (student/teacher) ℓєѕвιαи яσмαи¢єWhere stories live. Discover now