Chapter seven

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I was awakened by the sound of chirping birds at my window. The sun beaming throw my curtains... it was morning. I quickly picked up my phone to check the time.

7:00am, shit!

Some how my nap turned into a full nights sleep. Napping is so unpredictable.

All I wanted to do was see Mila. Why was this still happening. My mind has never been so consumed by a person ever. It was the way we connected, I haven't spent a second without thinking about her ever since the day I got a splinter in my finger. This was weird, I felt weird.

I wished every second of the day to go quickly so I could spend time in Mila's company.

I walked into school and was welcomed by an unfamiliar face.

'' Hello everyone, this is a new support teacher starting. Her name is Amanda.'' Betty said.

Amanda looked older; maybe mid 40's.

''Hey everyone!'' Amanda said out loud in a cheerful, bubbly voice.

'' Amanda will be spending most of her time within Mila class.'' Betty said.

My heart instantly sunk. I felt anger fill up my body. I knew adrenalin had been realised into my blood stream.. my heard was pounding. Still completely confused to why I was feeling this way. I didn't like the fact she got to spend all her time with Mila. What if they connected?what if Mila fancied her? Nooo, I can't think like this! Mila is straight, I wouldn't care either way anyway because I'm straight.

I quickly got out of the battle inside my head and faced reality.

I entered Ethan's class, just wanting it to be over already.

I lost control of my thoughts again. I couldn't stay focussed. My mind was all over the place. All I could think about was what Mila was doing with Amanda. Have they bonded really well already? What if she changes, what if she turns her against me.

'' Riley! Concentrate!!'' Ethan shouted.

'' shut up!'' I responded. I felt so angry, I don't know what was happening to me. I've always been angry since my past, I haven't had time to heal, but it was coming out of me more and more as the days went by.

Ethan started to speak again. He spent more time speaking about himself then he did teaching, so I never missed much when I didn't listen anyway.

It was now lunch time.

I went into the games room. I sat near Kyle, he was a tall good looking lad. Slicked back brown hair. Most attractive guy here.

'' Hey sexy.'' Kyle said while I approached him.

'' Oo hey.'' I responded.

'' So when are you letting me take you on this date.'' Kyle said while winking.

'' Soon Kyle, soon.''

Kyle was so cute, attractive but he probably just wanted any girl. He also knows I'm a virgin and I have never had a relationship. I just wanted to meet the right guy,  settle down, get married and have children. I wanted sex to be special, with someone special.

I watched Mila walk in, my heart missing a beat from her entrance. I don't know why this happened. I watched her sit down at the table with the other teachers.

I tried to listen in on their conversation but it was so hard.

But I heard Mila mention my name. She one hundred percent mentioned my name. Why was she speaking about me? She already hates me. Is she actually slagging me off while I'm siting in the room.

My heart sunk. I felt such a sadness hit over me, as well as all the other emotions I was feeling.

Lunch was now over and we now had Mila.

Great. I actually have to face Mila and this new teacher Amanda, I'm dreading this especially since Mila has been slagging me off already. I already dislike Amanda, I've decided.

I walked into class, it was just myself, Lucy and Jake.

I felt so vulnerable today. I sat in there death staring Amanda to make sure she knew I didn't like her. I wasn't quite sure why I didn't but I just did.

I sat in silence.

'' ooo Riley and Ethan.'' I heard Jake dig.

'' ew no! What the hell.'' I responded.

'' No it's you and Mila.'' He joked.

'' Fuck off Jake!'' I shouted. I was so angry, I really didn't find it funny at all. This was not funny, it was so inappropriate.

I could feel Mila's eyes on me.

'' Riley has a girlfriend now.'' Jake said out loud.

'' No I fucking don't, what the actual fuck Jake! You're the gay boy here, we all know it.'' I had lost my temper at this point, feeling Mila's eyes glare right through me.

'' Piss off Riley. You and your girlfriend do this.'' Jake picked up the scissors and done the action.

I had lost my temper, I was so angry. Maybe I did overreact but I flipped my chair, pushed him and stormed out of the room.

Why the fuck would he be this way, why was he embarrassing me like this. But the real reason was, why was I reacting in this way? Why did I care?

I arrived home and jumped onto my bed. I can't take anymore. Today has been a total disaster. I have fucked everything up.

Green eyes (student/teacher) ℓєѕвιαи яσмαи¢єWhere stories live. Discover now