Chapter five

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Beep beep

''Your taxi is here Riley.'' Mum shouted from downstairs.

I ran down the stairs, ran out of the door and into the taxi.

'' Hey Jake!''

'' Hey Riley.''

'' Did you like the brownies I made you.'' Jake asked.

'' They were lovely Jake, I really hope they wasn't hash brownies though.'' I joked.

'' That's the special ingredients.'' Jake jokingly responded with a cheeky wink.

'' Where are we going today?''

'' I think the school are taking us to play golf.'' Jake responded.

This is such a bad idea, considering everyone at school has behavioural problems and something bad is bound to happen.

'' Right you lot can go on your own and make your way around the golf course. We will meet you back at this spot at 13:00.'' Kim said.

I was with Jake, Lucy and Reece.

We tried to play golf but we were awful at it. What teenagers want to play golf anyway. We decided to occupy ourselves.

Reece decided to use his destructive behaviour and start hitting the floor with his golf stick.

'' Ethan is coming! Run!'' Jake shouted.

We all started running, hiding behind some trees.

We decided to sit down for a bit.

'' I just hate it here and can't wait till I can go to college.'' Jake said.

'' I can't wait to leave either. It's hardly a school.'' I replied.

'' Have you seen the state of Sapphire today?'' Lucy asked. While changing the subject. But she was one to talk considering she's such a mess herself. She's such a snake as well, which makes everything worse. But we allowed her with us anyway.

'' She's always a state.'' Jake responded. We all started to laugh.

I watched Ethan start walking over with Kim.

'' Are any of you actually going to play golf?'' Ethan asked.

'' I'd rather be at school working then play golf,  if I'm honest.'' I heard others agreeing with me behind me.

'' Well tough.'' Kim said.

'' I can't be fucked with this. It's shit as fuck.'' Reece said freely.

I watched an elderly man start to approach reece. He grabbed him by the throat.

'' You rude little boy. We don't want to hear your disgusting language around here, you better leave or I'm going to knock you out.'' The elderly man said while still holding Reece by the throat.

'' Fuck off mate.'' Reece responded while pushing him off him.

The elderly man raising his golf stick and threatened Reece even more.

Things started to escalate in which the teachers got involved.

Reece stormed off.

'' He had to ruin a nice day out, didn't he.'' Kim moaned.

'' You lot be going back to school with Kim and I'll try finding Reece.'' Ethan said.

We got into the mini bus and made our way back to school.

We all sat in the games room overhearing the teachers talk about what just happened.

Lunch was now over

'' Come on then you lot, time for English.'' Mila said.

We entered the class and I decided to write 'Riley is perfection' on the white board. It was an inside joke I had with Mila.

I then watched Jake write 'and Jake' below my name.

''Why did you write that for? It was an inside joke between myself and Mila.''

I then watched lanky Lucy stand up and rub both our names out.

'' Why the fuck did you do that?''

'' because you both are not perfection.''

'' Alright Lucy, you just keep shagging those horses.'' I bitched back. If you wonder why I'd say something like that. A little rumour went round about Lucy and her horses, she's so weird.

I watched Jake in hysterics

We decided to change the subject. We were talking about athletics.

'' I really want to start running again.'' I said to everyone in the class, mainly saying it to Jake.

'' I'll come with you.'' Mila said.

'' You will actually come with me?'' I responded with a huge grin on my face.

'' Yes we should go soon, give me a time and a place and I'll be there.'' Mila replied with a massive smile on her face.

I don't know how we managed to get on so well. I don't know how I ever hated her.

Green eyes (student/teacher) ℓєѕвιαи яσмαи¢єWhere stories live. Discover now