~Chapter 5~

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Kaoru's POV

It's a Sunday Morning... Im alone at my own house...My parents and my brothers go out for a while... and my friend have a work to do so they cant hang out with me... ouhhhh so bored.. 

Then I decided to go to my favorite place... I takes my skateboard with me..

Then, outside my house I saw Ryuu waiting for me... I guess... he was sleeping againts the wall... I go closer to him and stare his face for a while...

Then I touched his nose to him awake... but he still sleeping...Then I shake his shoulder and then he fall down...


"What are you doing?" I ask him

"Actually I got a called from Momoko and she said that you are alone"

"Momoko said that?"

"Yeah, so where are you going?"

"Actually, Im going to my fav place.."

Actually I dont mind if he follow me because Im a little bit alone...

"Can I follow?"

"Can you ran faster than me?"

As we arrived...

"Not fair" he said it to me...

"What?" I giggles

"You brought your skateboard.."

I just smile and then I start to plays my skateboard...

Ryuu's POV

Woah, she can plays it? When she stopped...

"Not bad for a girl, may I"

Then she gave her skateboard to me and I showed off to her...

Kaoru's POV

Then suddnely an old woman came to me and said...

"Young lady, your boyfriend is so cool" she said...


Hey guys... im back... actually im not really good at this and my grammar is not really good too... and also my spelling... i hope you guys understand it...😁😁😅😅😀

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