~Chapter 30~(Final Chapter)

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Kaoru's POV

It is 11.33p.m. now and Im still awake... then a massge came in my phone and I guess it was Mitch but it wasnt... it was from Ryuu. I open it

I didnt answer it... then a massge from him again

[I just want you to know that Im so sorry]

I was waiting for him to says that words that can make me to accpeted him but he always says he want a appologized... aghh

[I guess you already sleep so... good night sorry to disturbing you]

Then I closed my phone and back to sleep...

~A few days later~

Mr Mark called me and Ryuu to his room after our class and now we are at his room now...

"You guys do a great jobs again and guess what the principal said you did better than before and-" he stop because he suddenly got a phone call "sorry, I go to answer this." Then he get out from this room and leave us alone...

A few seconds later, Ryuu started to spoke he said...

"Kurumi and I already broke up"

"What? How dare you did that to her and let me guess it is because of me, right? You are a heartbreaker! And that why I hate you even more!" I said that a little bit louder but I still can controlled my voice

"Kaoru, how can I be with her when I didnt have a feeling to her. Yeah, I know Im a heartbreaker but I did that for a good reasons... also I cant just forget about you just like that"

"Ceh, a good reasons?"

Then Mr Mark came in

"Sorry guys we talked later, I have to go now."

Then we get out from Mr Mark's room

It was already evening and its seems like everyone already went home and I went to my class to take something there then when I want to get out...

"Need a ride?" Ryuu

"No, thanks"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, Im very sure and who the hell are you acting like you are my boyfriend or my friend. By the way, your status in my life still a stranger!"

Then suddenly he pinned me against the wall and he whispered me, he said

"Ouch, its hurts me, you know" I can feel his breath on my ear...

I know its hurts you... but its the only way I can do to stay away from you...

"Let me go!"

I pushed his chest but it was useless... then he hug me tight...

"No, I wont let you go... it is not enough? I give you all my love to you and also my heart... I give it to you...it is not enough? Please, Im begging to you dont treat me like that, it hurt me a lot..."

It touched me... gosh did I suffered him by treating him that?

"So, please dont leave me again..." Ryuu

He let me go and he looked at me and I just looked down then I spoke

"You just did"

Then I get out from the place and leave him there...

I wipe my tears that already went down through my cheek...

"Im sorry, Ryuu... Im sorry"

~3 weeks later~

After school

This whole day I didnt saw him... then Kurumi came to me...

"Kaoru, today is Ryuu's last day here and he already at airport... dont you know about that?"


I quickly went to see Mitch...

"Mitch, key!" Then he throw his key to me and I went to his car...

As I arrived, I looked around and I didnt even saw him then I start to search him and I saw him...



"Ouh, Im sorry"

Then I heard that his ride to our country is already moved... I was too late then I take seat on the bench.... I covered my face with my hand

~The End~

Just kidding😂😂😂

Then I feel like someone hold my hand... I looked up and it was him I hug him

"Well, who is missing me right now?"

"Shut up, I know it was my faulth"

"I told you, I wont leave you ever again, bae"

I smile when he said 'bae'

Then I kissed him on his lips and I dont care if people is watching us... most important is I will never do it again... I warpped my hands to his neck and I can feel his hands on my waist also I can feel he was smrking...


Im sorry, Ryuu. I just want a revenged thats why I never accpeted you. Even if its hurts me when I leave you 2 years ago just for a revenged... and before I know you I do feel like we mets before... and that 3 years I've always feel like I was missing something... and It was you...

Then I step his foot

"Ouch! What that for?"

"If you dare to leave me again! I will hate you forever!"

Then I whispered him...

"But I still love you" I kiss his cheek

"Come here you evil girl" he gave me a hug and it was so tight... I know he did it because he was blushing...

"Let me go! I cant breath..."

~The End~

Yeahhhh😁😁😁 its already the end😄😄 but I was so sad😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
By the way, see you guys at my new story😉😉😉 Red Love Story❤❤ This time it is Blossick😊😊😙😙

Hope you like it🤗🤗 dont forget to vote ma story and I have a quetions to ya all

1. Do you still hate Mitch?

2. Discribe my story in 3 words

3. Do you like this final chapter?

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