~Chapter 24~

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Kaoru's POV

"What are you doing here?" I ask him

"Well it seems like you both already know each other" Sir Mark

"Yeah" he smile

"Okay, that is no need for me to introduce you to him, right? Well lets go"

Ryuu helps me put my stuff in the car

"Woah, your bag is so havy. Are you runing away?" He tried to make a joke

"Shut up"

He smile. I seat beside him

"Alright, before we go met my wife. She gonna helps you to do that project" Sir Mark

"Hye, just called me Hannah" she smiling and smile to her too.

"Alright, dont forget to wear the seat bell. We have a long journey"

After that, we move and I take out my phone and my earphone and wear it and ignored the world...

Then a few minutes later, I got a message from Mitch

[Hye, where are you? Why didnt you went to school?😯😯]

Oops... I forgot to tell him...

[Sorry, I've forgot to tell you that I have to go to somewhere to do a project with Sir Mark]

[Ouhhh... just you and Sir Mark?]

[No,no, Im with his wife and his student]

[Who is his student?]

Urmmm... what should I tell him? Then a message from him again

[Hye, I heard that Ryuu is here]

How did he know? This is bad... I guess...

[What? Where did you get that information?😲😲]

I act like I dont know what he was talking about but Ryuu was right here with me

[I just got that information and I also know that he was there with you😐😐]


[Im going there...]

What? That is impossible

[I dont know what are you talking about... he with me?😅😅]

[Dont lie to me, Kaoru😒😒]

Aghhh... What should I do now

[But if you go here... Sir Mark will not allowed you😒😒]

[Fine, just tell me if he do something bad to you and I'll crash him😡😠]

Aghhhh... Im fine, okay? Im not a kid anymore I can protect myself

[Yeah, yeah😒😒]


As we arrived, Sir Mark said that we have to do the project now...

~A few hours later~

"Great, I like how both of you do this project." Sir Mark

"Guys now lets eat I already prepared food for us... after we all ate, both of you go take a shower and a sleep because tomorrow we have a lot of things to do again..." Hannah


He was about to let me go of his arms before he doing it he looked at me for a while... I saw he was struggle and also he doesnt have a choise...

"B-Butch, p-please dont do it... I love you so much... I promise I'll never punch you again... and I'll forgive all what you've done to me... P-please dont... I love you" I begged to him for not to let me go and my power was so weak right now and I dont think that I can survive...

He closed his eyes and he did

I open my eyes then a tears fall down on my cheeks... That is not a dream it was a memory that I want to removed but I cant... I looked at the clock beside me it is

1:00 a.m.

I get up and went outside to get some fresh air... I opens the door and I looked at Ryuu's room just beside my room and its seems like he still awake because his door opens widely and I guess he went to the bathroom... I went near his room quietly

"Hye babe, miss me?" Ryuu

I was so shocked and I was about to scream and he closed my mouth quickly using his right hand.

"Shhh... you gonna wake them up..." he whispered in my eyes cause he was just behind me

I take off his hand from my mouth and I face him and Im about to mad him cause he supprised and but I just stare at him on his wide chest cause he took off his shirt but I just make a normal face

"Woah, why with that look? Am I look so sexy?" He smirk at me and that make me blush

"Ceh, Im your dream" I turn and I really want to run away from this situation

"Hye wait" he hold my hand and I can feel he hold it tightly...

"Let go of my hand" I looked into his eyes

"If I dont want to let it go?"

"I'll scream"

"Then do it"

Are he really want to test me or what?

"Hey, dont you remember that you'll already forgave me and thats means you gave a second chance, right?"

What? Since when? Ouhh yeahh, I remember...

Why when I always with him I always got mad at him? Then I remember that memory when he just throw me...

"Well, I guess you are wrong... I'll never ever ever in my life gonna forgive you"

Then I saw his face change from the naughty face until shocked

"Well you see, how can I just accepted people who already threat me like a toy? You know what I'll give you a situation. When someone have a new toy and you love the toy so much until it broke and you just throw it away and you want to picked it again? Even if the toy is already in a dust bin? I know you understand it right?" I stopped for a while and let him prosesed my words and right now I feel like the old pain is bleeding again...

Then I continued again

"Well you know what I've already found someone better than you" I still can controlled my voiced not to wake them up...

"Stop saying it, I know there are no one replacing me" Ryuu

"You think that Im not good enough to be taken by someone else? Well you are wrong"

Kaoru stop it! You know you are lying... my heart said it but my brain said just give him a little lessons

I turn and I went to my bed and leave him standing outside and I cant fight my tears anymore so I just let them fall again...

Hey there😉😉 do you like it? Mmm... just comment anything and by the way, dont forget to vote...and who is already read my book about Blossom x Brick? The tittle is Red Love Story...😁😁 YAY!!! BYE SEE YA LATER😘😘 Sorry I didnt check it after I finished writing so if there is have a wrong grammar or else just ignored it😅😂😂

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