3. Mike

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Chapter 4

'Appreaciate what you've got because one day it'll dissapear.'

*Mike's POV*

I look around the corner just to see Camellia running away from Paton, down another hallway. I look back at Paxton, his face is filled with hurt and confusion. He leans back against the pale green lockers, his body slowly sliding down them until he falls to the ground. He puts his head in his hands and lets out an almost silent grumble/moan. I wait a few more minutes before approching him. I didn't think Camellia would actual stop being friends with his so quick, better for me I guess. I can see real potential in the guy. I just need to change some of the things he does and he'll be a great captain when I step down next week.

I stand in front of him and look down, I pity him. If he had only listen to me before he wouldn't feel like this. "Hey Paxton," I say in a rather chirpy voice. He grumbles again before picking himself up of the floor and dusting off his pants in the process.

"What do you want Mike? I'm not in the mood for one of your stupid little games." He glares back, hate consuming his eyes.

"I was just going to ask you if you wanted to come to a party with me. You look like you need a drink." I reply, trying to maintain my nice, pleasant act up. The quicker he learns who's the boss around here, the faster everything will get better for the both of us.

"I'm not going anywhere will you." He continues to glare hatefully.

"Fine, but the offer still stands. If you want to come text me and I'll pick you up," I say, handing him a thin white piece of paper with my mobile number scribble on it. Reluctantly he takes the paper and slips it into his pant pocket. I waist no time in walking away. I really need to fix that problem, I need to find away to make Camellia hate Paxton, or something close to it..


*Paxton's POV*

I look down at the beer nestled in my large hand. After much debate with myself I reluctantly had to agreed with myself to come to this party. It was either go to this part or sit at come staring at me ceiling thinking about Camellia, and if I dwell on a subject for too long then I'll over think some crazy decision and do something crazy I am certain I would mostly likely regret later. So a distraction is just the thing I need.

I look up from the beer and into Mike's eyes. He nods in encouragement, I take a huge sip and see Mike smile in return. I silently laugh to myself, then skull the rest of the beer can and throw it on the grown somewhere not near me. Just as I'm about to walk out of the kitchen, Mike pulls me back and hands me another beer. I raise my eyebrow at him and shake my head. Though he doesn't care... Mike always gets what he wants in the end. Without much struggle I take the second beer and drink that one a little too quickly.


I scrunch up the next beer can and throw it away somewhere else. I've lost count of the amount of beer I've drunken since I got here. I suppose it would have been a better idea if I threw the cans down on the ground by my feet instead of throwing them somewhere else, maybe then I would have kept a better record on the amount I've been drinking.

The next thing I know Paxton's dragging me through a heap of people drunkinly dancing. I sigh, "Where are we going?" I ask.

"We are going to meet one of my friends, I promised her I'm meet her here right about now." I look around and see that 'here' is in fact outside the front door. The cold winter breeze sobers me up a bit, but not a whole lot.

"What 'friend' are we meeting?" I ask, swaying side to side a tad.

"Her," He says pointing to a girl walking over here. She's is walking down the foot path, in the dark with another girl. When they get into the light I recognize the bright white blond hair belonging to Claire the head cheerleader.. should have guessed we'd be meeting up with her at some point at this party.

"Hey Mike, Paxton?" She squeeks out. I've always disliked her voice. So high pitched and happy all the time. Who is ever happy all the time?

"Yeah," I nod, answering her question. She smiles whilst hooking her already too short dress/ skirt up. I grumble, I'm going to have to spend the next few hours with her, thank god Mike gave me so many beers before!


I can't help but compare Camellia to Claire whilst dancing wither her. Out of all the things I could have been doing, I am comparing everything. Like the way Camellia dances. She dances so weirdly, she never cares about what people say about her weird dance moves, though Claire is to busy grinding on me and watching other people's reactions to care what I think about her awful 'dancing.'

Or even the way she dresses and wears her make up. Cam only wears it when it's absolutely needed and she dresses very conservatively while on the other hand there is Claire practically wearing a skimpier version of underwear. I guess no one's ever told her the saying 'leave some to the imagination' before.  And she cakes that make up on. Hmp, I guess I really can't live without her.

I continue to 'dance' with Claire until I find her pulling my arm in attempts to get me to follow her. I follower her through the crowd of people with ease, curious to see where she is leading me. Only to finder her following Mike up a flight of wooden stairs. We continue to walk until Mike stops and pushes a pale white door open. We all look in as see a double bed.

"Who wants this room?" He questions. Before I can even answer that question Claire quickly walks in and winks at Mike.

"You coming Mikey?" She questions playful. He shakes his head and points to me, "Not this time, sweet cakes, I'm with her," I look back over to Mike and then realize that there is a blonde girl standing behind him smiling back at Claire.

I raise my eyebrows before shaking my head. No way am I doing her. Mike frowns, anger slowing into his muddy brown eyes. He stomps over and pulls my arm so we are a good distance away from the girls. "I didn't want to have to tell you this now, but I think I might. I'm stepping down as captain next week and I'm leaving the position to you. I'll give it willingly to you if you go in there and screw the head cheerleader. Every captain on this football team has done it, don't ruin tradition." Mike grumbles.

I haven't got anything else to lose. "You promise?" I question him.

"I swear." He says. I can see the honestly in his eyes. I nod my head before walking back over to Claire. I lightly push her into the room and roughly close the door behind me. She squeals in excitement before literally jumping into my arms and attacking me lips with hers.

Lucky for her I manage to catcher her light body and carry her over to the bed. I dump her down on the matris and slowly start to take off her clothes while kissing her.

The whole time, wishing it was Camellia.


*Camellia's POV*

I dump my tray on the school bench before sliding into the seat. I look down at the plate before I look up over to the 'IT' table, seeing Paxton sitting to the right of Mike. They are all laughing and having a good time. See it was the right choice to make. Paxton's so happy there.

I look back down at my tray and take a few bites of my pasta dish before I find my eyes slowly wondering over to Paxton again. This time he's looking at me. He quickly looks away and over to Claire who is just conveniently walking into the school lunch room.

Claire slowly walks over to the table, swaying her bone hips. When she gets there he opens his arms for her and she happily sits on his lap and wraps her overly tanned arms around his neck and starts making out with him.

Tears spring into my eyes. I find myself getting up from the table and making a run for the exit.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, too late to go back now I guess.

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