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I grab my thick curls, then pull them in an attempt to make them a wavy curl - not the type of bushy curls you'd expect to see on a porcelain china doll. I sign in frustration, I'm never going to get them to look like cute little ringlets.

I pick up my brown lipstick and apply a thin coat before screwing the lid back on and placing the little bottle back in my make up case on the bench in front of me.

I take a few steps back from the mirror and adjust my pale pink top so that it flows nicer over my black jeans, not clumping up in certain spots.

Once I decide that my outfit looks fine, I slowly back away from the mirror and grab my black heel boots, sit down on my stool and then slid them onto my feet.

Once I do the laces up, I walk over to the end of my bed and grab my leather jacket and phone. I click the little home button - making the screen lighten up.

It's about ten thirty, most of his 'friends' should be heavily intoxicated by now or at least on the way to not remembering this nights events.

I slip my phone into my back, right pocket. Then I proceed to pull on the jacket, while skipping down the stairs, two steps at a time. I grab my car keys from the bowl next to the front door before running out of the house completely.

I slip into my car then driving a few blocks over to the where the party is being held.

When I arrive at the house, it's the same as all the other parties I've been too. Same people, same scene, just different houses.

I step through the open front door to see that the house is completely trashed, like usually. There is still a good amount of people who are still soberly drunk and happily dancing to the trashy music being played from the tv's main speakers.

I walk through the mass crowds of people, trying to find Paxton. I look all through the lounge room crowd before I walk over to the kitchen entrance.

When I'm about three feet from the door opening, I catch Paxton's head amount the crowd of rowdy teens. He's standing behind the island bench which is acting as some sort of open bar. And he's the one behind it, making and handing out strong drinks to his friends.

A small smile spreads on my brown lips with the thought of Paxton trying really hard to ditch his friends so he can hang out with me.

I go to slip away unnoticed, but he looks up from the drink he is currently making and see's me. I'm so used to the harsh glares he constantly sends me during school. This time I'm shocked when he looks up and smiles at me, nodding his me. My heart starts to flutter with the cute little look he has on his face.

I give out a small wave before turning back into the crowd to dance with various peers, in hopes that the time will pass quicker this way.

It's been two hours since I've been here and Paxton has still not come to seem me. With the high fumes of other people's alcohol intoxicating my mind, it starts to come up with various reasons to why he's not here. I've got that annoying little voice in the back of my head saying it's all been a waste of time, and to quite while I'm ahead.

I shake my head, trying to get rid of the negative thoughts. I start dancing to the next song that comes through the speakers. I've not heard of any of these songs being played before tonight, but as trashy as I think they are, they have a wicked beat to them.

I sway my hips sway side to side to the new fast beat as I toss my hands up in the air, jumping along with everyone else in the crowd.

Right in the middle of the song, big muscly arms wrap themselves around my waste. On reaction I find my eyes closing as my body sinks back into his warm one. I stop jumping with the crowd and settle on moving my hips in sync with Paxton's.

When the song comes to an end, I'm spun around as he crashes his soft lips down on my own. Know wanting to waste anymore time with him, I quickly move mine with his. I wrap my arms around his neck and move my lips in sync with his. I run my hands up into his hair, but find that it's shorter and not like the silky, smooth soft hair Paxton has. but a ragged oily one that's been coated in wax and hair spray.

I jolt back and see that in fact it's not Paxton, but someone that's on his team. My eyes go wide before I back up and look around for Paxton, somewhere else I can escape from this man.

As I look over in the kitchens direction, I catch his distraught face. I'm stuck in the middle of the crowd shocked as his disappears through the mass of people in the kitchen, no longer a sad face, but a raging mad one.

When my feet decide to move, I take off in the direction he'd disappeared into. But he's a lot quicker than me, so I end up losing him completely before I've even stepped three feet into the kitchen.

As I pass the mini bar they have set up I grab a drink and walk off in search of him. Half an hour onto the search I've downed more drinks I've ever consumed at a party in my life. I get the urge to pee so I wonder up the wooden stairs and to the first door in sight, hopping it's the bathroom.

As I push it open I hear a moaning noise come from inside the room, which I instantly regret not nocking. Without my control the door flies the rest of the way open revealing a couple in the very corner of the bathroom.

First I see a couple in their, a man leaning up against the wall with his jeans around his ankles and a girl with bleach blond hair on her knees. I mumble out an "I'm sorry," but those two are so into it, I don't think they even noticed my presence.

As I'm backing away from the unfolding scene on of the light bulbs in the bathroom kicks in, lighting the whole room up properly, my eyes nearly pop out of their sockets with what I am seeing. I begin to recognise the brown mass of hair on the man belonging to Paxton.

I jump back causing Paxton's eyes to pop open. When he see's my reaction his pleasured face turns, his blue eyes turn cold and the small smile of pleasure turns into a smug smirk.

I turn and run from the act in front of me, wishing I had listened to that little voice in my head that told me to run, to leave hours ago.

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