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At the one point in time tonight that I need my body to function, my feet are glued together like magnets. I cling to the polished wooden rail for sheer life. It's now that the alcohol has chosen to go straight to my head.

I need to get down the stairs, but I don't think I'll be physically able to. I lift my left leg up and place it on the stair bellow and then slowly move my right foot. I keep the slow pace as I remind myself to move each foot one at a time.

When I get to the bottom floor, I leap off the step and dive into the crowd of sweaty, drunken teenagers. It's hard to move through the throng of people when they are dancing in sync to the upbeat pop music blasting out the speakers.

I manage to fight my way through the living room and back out the open front door, thankfully. Relief fills my body when I hear my shoes clicking against the cement pathway. I walk down the garden pathway with the cold night air blowing past my flushed red cheeks.

I come to a halt at the street curb and look around as I wrap my leather jacket closer around my freezing torso. When I see that the street is clear from cars, I struggle across and continue on my way home.

Keeping my head low, I move quickly with my hands tucked into my pockets. I'm trying to keep warm the best I can, but failing horribly. The cold wind continues to hit my exposed skin, chilling me to the bone.

Another car passes me and the head lights light up the dark pathway ahead of me. When the car slows down, I slowly turn my head to the side to view the slowly approaching car.

I begin to get worried by the approaching vehicle because I don't recognise it in this lighting. I try to speed up my face, but fail miserably. I trip over my two feet and land flat on my knees and hands.

There's no immediate stinging pain on my hands or knees, but from my quick assessment, I can see the large scraps of mangled skin mixed with blood and sand.

This doesn't stop me, not too much at least. I try to climb off the ground to keep walking, but as I try to stand my feet give out beneath my body and I fell on the cold ground again.

Instead of cursing in pain or annoyance, I giggle like a silly little school child. I try once again but without success.

My giggles are stolen the second I hear the car door open and slam shut. I jump inside my skin and look towards the card nervously.

A black figure starts to walk towards me. From the harsh glow of the headlights, it's hard to make out the finer details of their body. I burry my head in my hands and curl my body closer together.

I quietly listen to the sound of footsteps and my tangled breath. I'm afraid of who it could be, but also curious to know who would possibly stop on the side of the road to investigate a drunk person.

Slowly, I lift my head and eye off the person. They have dark jeans that are tightly hugging his muscular legs, a white button up shirt which is loose fitting but compliments his broad physic. I can only imagine the muscles underneath.

My eyes continue to slowly travel up his face. Through the drunken haze and the harsh lighting, it's hard to pick out distinct features, but even so, I can see a resemblance of someone I've seen many times before.

The stranger bends down and uses his left hand to cup my chin and force my head to look up.

A large grin over comes his lips as he smiles down at me.

"You've certainly gotten messy tonight, Cam," he says.

In a quick, blurred motion. His arm goes around my back and the other scoops my legs up, cradling me to his warm chest. As he stands up, my head spins and I'm thankful to be with someone and going somewhere warm.

He opens the car door and places me in the front seat. He doesn't let me do the seat belt. Instead, he pins my hands away from my and quickly fastens the belt across my lap in a smooth motion. He shuts my car door and walks around to the other side and climbs in behind the wheel.

The next thing I remember is the sun shining down on my face. Never in my life have I felt so warm and utterly complete. I snuggle closer to my pillow, enjoying the warmth radiating off the sun.

As I pull the covers closer around my body, they get tugged back in the opposite direction. I bolt upright and turn to see I'm not in the right house or even my own bed.

My stomach does summer saults as I quickly start making assumptions on what's happened last night. I lift the blanket really high and feel the cold air against the exposed skin on my body. However, it's met by the comforting sight of my clothes still on, that's a good sign.

"Cam, sleep, my head still hurts from last night." His voice grumbles out.

On according, I reply, "We'll you shouldn't of drunken so much."

"You drank a lot more than I did, don't be preachin' what you aren't teacin'." Paxton defends himself, pulling his covers over his throbbing head. I laugh at his childish act, but do the same thing. I snuggle closer over to him, burying my head in his neck.

He wraps his arms my waist, pulling my closer to his body. He kisses and nibbles on my ear, "I'm sorry about last night." he takes a deep breathe before continuing. "I was just so upset, I was really out of it," he continues to explain.

Images from the scene flash back through my mind. I exhale, in thought about what I should do.

"It's okay. One mistake lead to another, we can just both put it behind us," I say, trying to remember the guy I had been kissing last night. "Paxton, do you have any idea who that guy was last night?" A small blush appearing on my face.

"He's co-captain. A little while after I saw the both of you, he came up and said a few things that didn't sit too well with me, I was just mad and hurt."

"Well in my defence, I had nothing to do with it. I honestly though it was you. I didn't catch a glimpse of his face before we kissed. I just felt his arms around me - they felt so much like yours." I smile at him.

"Mine are around you now, and there not coming off again." He states, hugging my tighter. I giggle at his cheese words.

"I'll be the official captain soon. And Mike will be gone next month so his reign of terror will be over. I just hope we can keep us a secret for a little longer, then everything will be back to normal."

"I think we can make that work, I'll make anything work for you," I say, closing my tired eyes.

"Hey, it could be fun sneaking around." He laughs, causing his chest to rumble - making my head hurt more which makes my headache worse.

"Stop moving," I grumble, slapping his chest.

"Fine," he says, pouting down at me. These next few weeks will sure be fun.

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