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It's been about a couple of weeks since the party incident. Surprisingly we've been able to make it this far without being caught by anyone. For future references, I've kept well away from parties - only with the exception that Paxton keeps his party life on the down low.

When the bell rings ending history class. I jump up first and rush out the door, swivelling my hips at the same time. I peak over my shoulder so see Paxton's face in pain as he tries to suppress a moan. I giggle to myself and walk to my locker.

I watch as the students go flying past, escaping school, while I on the other hand slowly wonder down the hall to my boring blue locker.

When I get there, I slowly exchange my exercise books before slamming the door closed, slinging my lock back through the latch.

As I turn around, a pair of hands fall onto my hips and pull me close to his body. I giggle at Paxton's funny ways of surprising me. I wrap my arms around his neck and lean up to peck his soft pink lips.

I go to pull away, but this time he wraps his hands move from my hip bones and to the middle of my back, pulling me back in closer. His wet tongue slips across my dry ones. I pull back before anything serious happen between up - only to find him pouting with a frown on his face.

I lightly tap his shoulder, laughing at his adorable expression. "Not here, anyone can see." I say in a serious tone.

"Fine." He comments, still pouting. "I'll see you after training, next to the locker rooms." He asks, cocking his head to the side.

I nod in agreement before following him to the outside fields. I kiss him goodbye before sneaking onto the back bleachers to watch them play.

I love watching Paxton play. There is this little light inside his blue eyes that lights up when he walks on to the grassy playing field, and it sends my heart racing with the occasional butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

They practise for about an hour. Running the field and practising new plays. When it's over and everyone heads over to the lockers to shower I climb of the cold bleachers and wonder over to the lockers, waiting on the left side where they don't normally come out on.

I lean agains the red bricks, patiently wait - longing for that pair of foot steps to finally come out and walk around this side. Soon enough the sound of crunching grass can be heard as a pair of feet make their way over to this side of the locker rooms.

Excitement bubbles up inside of me. Paxton and I are hanging around this house this afternoon. Which should be fun, he's always fun to be around. My heart starts to beat erratically, wishing he would just hurry up and come around the corner already.

Soon a shadow starts to inch up on the grass, followed by a person. The person I least want to see. My mouth goes dry, as if a lump of moisture is stuck in the back of my throat, not letting me swallow or prepare to talk. Mikes haunting feat slowly walk over in my direction.

My eyes wonder up as I take in his appearance. Causally dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, his hair, wet and slicked back. My eyes finally settle down on his hard expression, his cruel brown eyes hard like rocks gazing down on me.

I smile awkwardly at him, trying to lighten up the mood. "What brings you here?" I question.

"You," He simply says in a flat tone. "I know about you and Paxton, you're little secret relationship and I'm not happy about being lied to and having on of my team members screwing around with a piece of trash like you." He says, anger seeping into his tone.

My head drops to the ground. I knew this would happen and especially when we are so close. I sigh, hoping that Paxton will come around the corner and see this event unfolding.

"I want you to break up with him and then leave him the hell alone. If not, I'm going to kick him off of the team before I leave. Got it." He questions.

I nod my head, but his large cold hand grips onto my chin, forcing me to look up at him. " I said have, have you got it?" He demands.

Shakily I reply with a, "Yes," he nodes his head once before walking off out of sight. I wait around for another 10 minutes before Paxton stumbles around the corner, smiling a me.

"What took you so long?" I question. Reaching up to hug him.

"The guys were really chatty today. I swear I had to fight their conversations off." he jokes, pulling out some karate moves. I laugh, tugging on his shoulder, pulling him in the direction of the car.

He too laughs. He kiss me check softly, then wraps his arm around my waist, "Come on bub. Let's go have some fun."


I've started a new story on my other account if you guys wanna check it out(: it's called 'Taming The Vampire' only the prologue is up so far, but more goodness soon :D

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