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As the bell rings ending school for the week, excitement bubbles up in my chest with the thought of getting to spend the afternoon with Paxton again. Before the idea wouldn't excite me this much. I guess the heart grows fonder when you are away from the people you care about most.

I quickly grab all of my things before making a bee line to the front of the school to my car. I jump in and start the engine, cranking up the air conditioner so get some air flowing in this stuff car.

I pull out of the parking bay and then out of the car park, with the intention of heading home first.

I change out of the school uniform. As I'm getting into my car my phone goes off. I look at the screen and see that it's a message from Paxton cancelling out study plans. I sign in defeat. I guess I sort of knew this was coming. How could I not? He's the new bad boy player after all.

He's claiming to be grounded and not allowed out. Maybe Mr P called his dad and explained about him failing and he's making him do the work so he's not kicked off the team. It must be that. I type back a quick response of an "okay," and slip my phone back into my pocket before walking back into the house and back up to my room and crawling under the warm covers.


I crack my eyes open, only seeing the sun shinning in them. I hastily pull my blanket covers over my head, blocking out the bright light. I say there until the air under the blanket gets stuff and I need to come back up of air. I pop my head out, before sliding the rest out.

I walk over to my desk and grab and pick up my phone and see that it's only nine in the morning. I show and get dress, deciding I should swing by Paxton house and see if he still needs help on his history assignment.

I eagerly jump into my car and drive over to his house. After the short ten minute drive I pull up into their red brick driveway. I switch the engine off and pocket my keys before I step out of the car.

I slowly walk up to their front door and nock on it. I wait patiently for a few short seconds until Paxton's father opens the door. I'm surprised to what I see. Instead of his usual attire - a clean, tight pressed shirt, he is wearing a pair of baggy blue pyjama pants and a pale blue fluffy robe. His hair is sticking up in different directions instead of oiled down, and his usual clean shaven face is tired and old looking. He has deep lack bags under his eyes and a small build up of grey stubble on his chin.

"Hey Camellia. It's been a while," He notes, "How have you been?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm good. I just came to see Paxton, if that's alright." I ask.

"He's a little tired, but I'm sure he'd like to see you. He's up in his room if you want to go straight up their." He smiles, opening the front door wide enough to let me inside.

I smile back at him and then walk into their house, heading straight to the stairs and then straight to his room. I lightly push the door open, revelling Paxton's messy room. My eyes scan around the room, taking in all the new details.

My eyes eventually wonder over to his double bed where he is sleeping. His back flat on the mattress, one tanned, muscly arm hanging off the side as half of the navy blue blanket is hanging halfway off the end of his bed.

I stifle a laugh as he lets out another loud snore. I slowly creep into his room, heading towards his bed. As I walk there, I trip over one of the various objects that are littered on the floor. I fall forwards, my hands grabbing onto the closet thing in reach.

I grab ahold of something soft and smooth, trying to regain my balance, but the whole thing comes tumbling down with me. I reopen my eyes to see that I've pulled the bed cover off Paxton. I freeze in my spot, assessing the current situation.

A hand clasps my shoulder before I have a chance to fix up the muddled situation. "What are you doing here?" He asks groggily. I turn around to look at him properly. Deep bags under his eyes, just like his father, but I can smell the strong stench of beer surrounding him.

My face hardens, he's been out partying all night. I jump up, turning to face him, "You ditched me so you could party? You could have had the decency to tell me, or just make plans another day, not lie to me." I yell.

He has his hand over his face, "Can you keep it down, I'm hung over and my head hurts." He says truthfully, a scowl on his face.

I turn and hurriedly walk out of his messy room, avoiding the objects on the floor I had previously tripped over before. I run out of his door, as I make my way down the hallway, I find myself being throwing into the wall, my hands pinned above my head. I look up into his eyes, "Don't go." He begs. "I'm sorry I lied, I'm just trying to keep up this crappy reputation, I need you in my life," He says, his eyes begging me to believe him.

I sigh, hanging my head low, truth be told I need him too, more than ever. "I.." Before I can say anything his lips come crashing down on mine. I'm shocked for a few seconds at this gesture. I move my lips against his, tasting the faint taste of beer on his mouth.

He pulls away breathless, burring his head into my neck, inhaling the air around it. "I've missed you so much," He mumbles into my neck. I wrap my arms around his waist, pulling his warm body closer to my cold one.

We just stand there, laying in each others arms until his phone starts vibration in his pockets. He removes one arm from around my waist, but still keeps the other one there. "What?" He grumbles down the phone. "No... uhn.. no.. hmm.. fine, I'll come, but I'm not going to be happy about it." He slams his phone shut, shoving it in his side pant pocket.

He slinks his arm back around my waist as well as moving his head back into the crook of my neck. "What was that about?"

"That was the guys, they want me to come out to another one of their parties tonight. I just want to spend sometime with you." He admits. "Unless you want to come with me." He asks, moving away from my neck to look at my reaction.

"Wont I cramp your style?" I laugh.

"We can just keep a good distance at the start while they are still all sober. I'm sorry, but it's the only way for now."

I nod my head, "I understand." I smile at the thought of being able to be close - like we were before. "How about you eat something and get something for your head and then spend the rest of the day catching up and doing that history assignment." I offer out.

He licks and nips along the side of my neck, "I don't think I could pass down another day without you." His hands move from the middle of my back to the sides of my hips where he tightens his hold, lifting me up off of the ground and over his shoulder.

I squeal, closing my eyes shut tight as I burry my head into his back, my arms going back around his waist. He walks down the rest of the hallway, as he approaches the first step, my stomach swirls around, making me feel sick. With all the blood rushing to my head, I find my upside down vision getting blurry.

Before I know it, I'm being placed on a stool in the kitchen. "Did you want anything to eat?" Paxton asks.

"No, I'm good." I smile. He nods, pours himself a cup of coffee and then takes an aspirin. He skulls the look warm liquid, then he walks back over to me. He wraps his arms back around my waist.

"It's work time." I laugh, unwrapping his arms from around my waist, but still keeping one of his hands in mine. I look over at his face, a pout on there with the though of doing his history work. Even from before when we stopped being friends, he never enjoyed history as much as me.

"It'll be fun, I promise." I pull him back up the stairs and into his room to start that assignment. Though I can't seem to shake the feeling in the pit of my stomach that something just isn't right.

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