Chapter 7

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//just so you know, chapter 6 is finished. so yea!.. enjoy this. This will probably be a short chapter because I have to get things done, so I apologize//

10k was standing as he looked over the truck, looking around and seeing the refinery coming up. You were holding onto his legs because you were scared that he might fall out.

"the refinery is coming up!", he said and looked down at you, feeling you basically clinging onto his legs.

"great! now will you just sit down", you exclaimed and he just chuckled.

"I'll be fine (Y/N)", he responded.

You just sighed and continued holding onto his legs even if he tried getting out of your grip.

You guys finally made it, passing through the gates and into the refinery. You slowly stood up beside 10k, looking around the abandoned place. It seemed all grey and old, like no one has been there for a long while. You suddenly felt a grip on your backpack that you had on, you look at 10k and saw him with furrowed eyebrows.

"see how I feel when you stand up"

"just be careful", he said as his hand didn't let go of your backpack.

you just smiled slyly until the factory came to view, seeing zombies all over the place. Probably because of that loud obnoxious sound that was coming from the factory.

"Fracking zombies"

You heard 10k say and you looked up at all the zombies, thinking how in the world are they going to get fuel if this place was hoarded with the living dead.

"come on", 10k said as he nudged you slightly.

You stared at him in confusion as you see him get out of the trucks bed, seeing him walk away from the group. You also jumped off and looked back at the group before looking at 10k.

"should we tell the group where we are going?"

He just kept on walking and you sighed, quickly following the green eyed fellow. 10k walked into a building and you finally caught up with him, walking by his side.

"have you gone mad?", you questioned him, thinking why seperating from the group would be a whole lot better than staying with them.

"I don't like talking to them very much.. I'd rather just talk to you", he responded back, going up some stairs.

You couldn't fight that because you'd rather just talk to him also, but that didn't mean departing from them. You followed him up the stairs onto the second story. You looked around and walked over to an opening, looking outside, seeing all the Z's.

"wow... how are we going to beat all that"

"it seems like they have a plan", 10k pointed out.

You saw the group going to different places and Doc in the car with that zombie looking guy, Murphy. You picked up all their names along the way. You hummed questionably to yourself before turning around, checking your surroundings, making sure if any zombies were around. 10k sighed gently and just wandered around, giving you small nudges. You just smiled lightly as him and nudged back as well, both keeping aware of your surroundings. Suddenly, you guys heard the obnoxious sound finally stopping. 

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