Chapter One

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A/N: Hey, i just wanted to say thank you for clicking your way into this story, and I hope you will enjoy it! Also a big thank you to @IDONTWANTAUSERNAMEE  for editing!

Phil's POV

The bell rang at last, telling everyone school was over for the day. Phil had dozed off for a moment, daydreaming of dimples and chocolate brown eyes, but was now abruptly brought back to reality.

He looked around the classroom where most of his classmates had already left, leaving Phil, and two other students that were in the middle of a conversation. Phil glanced towards the door with worry, he wondered if Dan and Chris or the others were waiting outside for him to join them for another round of being picked on.

But what choice did he have, other than climbing out of the windows? His history teacher, Mrs Jordan, threw him a couple of annoyed looks, with Phil taking his fair share of time to leave. He couldn't avoid it any longer so he put his books and notes back into his backpack, stood up and made his way carefully to the door.

It wasn't empty in the corridor, but his daily tormentors were nowhere to be seen. 

Phew, Phil thought, at least something good came out of this boring day. He walked down the school halls, still eyeing every person he saw with suspicion, in case he'd stumble upon them. Dan. And Chris. Or any member of the popular guys in this stupid school for that sake.

He'd almost relaxed by the time he was at the entrance of the high school and he noticed his friend PJ stood outside the doors, discussing something entusiastically with Mr Ketch, their English teacher. Phil bet it was Shakespeare related. He decided to walk over to them, perhaps PJ wanted to walk home together from school.

In the short amount of seconds that he had diverted his attention to PJ, he hadn't seen them coming up from behind until it was too late, and a strong hand pressed him against the wall and held him in place. He was met by two chocolate brown eyes that stared mockingly at himself, a wide grin plastered on his face.

"Thought you were free to leave now, didn't you twat?" Dan spat, tilting his head and following Phil's movement when he tried to look away, but Dan locked eyes with him. He knew better than to talk back, his experiences told him it wouldn't end well.

Dan shook his head, and muttered threateningly. "Oh no, boy. Don't think we'd let our little toy just leave."

Dan glanced behind his back towards the other two people that stood there, Jack and William, and Phil only noticed them now as so far he had only seen Dan's face up close. He smirked as he looked back at Phil's flustered face, Too close, too close, he thought as he tried to glance sideways and not focus on Dan's warm hand pressed against his chest, his heart was beating at the speed of light. He swallowed nervously.

Dan seemed to notice Phil's state of tension, his fingers travelled along his jaw and down his neck which caused Phil to let out a small whimper that was interpreted as a moan. "Enjoying that, are we?" Dan chuckled, and directed his voice to the others. "Look guys, he's practically begging me to continue", and the others sniggered, and made barfing noises, calling him ugly names.

Even if it was expected, Dan caught Phil by surprise as he threw the first punch right in his stomach. Phil let out a pained shout and cramped his hands around his torso in a desperate attempt to shelter himself from another hit, but Dan's fist was able to direct another perfect punch and Phil whimpered in agony and squeezed his eyes shut while Dan kept on hitting him.

When no more punches came, he slowly opened his eyes in fear, to find Dan's attention was down the floor, no not the floor - at his feet more specifically.
"Aw, he's got a new pair of shoes, guys!" Dan suddenly announced to his friends behind him, and Phil was suddenly confused of the fact that Dan had even noticed such thing. But he didn't have much time to ponder that  thought as Jack and William had come up with the most hilarious idea and decided to steal his new white shoes that his father had got for him yesterday. He should've known this would happen.

He tried to struggle against their hands gripping at his shoes but Dan held him in place with a steady hand. "N-no please.." Phil pleaded, hoping they would listen this time, but all he got was Dan's nails digging into his arm so sharply he hissed whilst his eyes teared up.
"Yes, please" Dan corrected him with a whisper, terrifyingly close his ear, as Jack had got the shoes off his feet and left him standing in his unmatched socks. They cheered at their new gained item and discussed what they could do with them, whether to trash them or throw them up a tree  but he didn't find out what they decided on, as they ran away with them.

Dan had found it was his cue to leave so he gave Phil a last hard shove into the wall behind and stomped away after his friends.
Phil watched them go, until they disappeared behind a building, and not until then did he let out a breath he never realised he was holding and clenched his hands to his hurting belly. When he looked back at the doors, he sadly noticed PJ had left already. He sighed. 

Now I've got to walk home without shoes. He wished he had taken a bike, but knowing his tormentors, he knew they wouldn't leave it alone.

So he begun to walk home, nauseous of the stomach pain and wet, cold feet from the muddy, dirty ground.

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