Chapter Thirteen

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Phil's POV

It wasn't like Phil longed for Dan to come back. He didn't.
Maybe it was even relieving? No, not really. Just because Dan wasn't in school for the whole week, didn't mean he was free of his tormentors. He was kicked and shoved and made fun of, just like usual.

But since last Friday night, he had left Dan in a terrible state and couldn't help but wonder if he made the wrong choice to not bring him to the hospital. Dan was so cold and pale and so out of it, what if he got much worse afterwards? Phil felt guilty over this, but it was rather lame to feel responsible over someone he usually despised.

He just couldn't stop his caring heart from worrying.

It was his second class for the day, and he waited for the class to start as students still dropped in and sat down at their seats.
The bell rang, and only seconds after the teacher had closed the door to begin the class, the door swung open again and Dan walked in.

My god, he's pale. Was he still not alright, a whole week after?

Phil glanced at Dan's direction every now and then, and Dan just looked really exhausted as he hunched over his desk, ignoring Chris trying to talk to him.
"Mr. Lester, are we not paying attention in class?" the teacher suddenly called him, and he quickly faced back at the teacher with flustered face.
"Oh, yes of course, miss Boyle" he replied sheepishly, as the students laughed at him.

He didn't glance back at Dan again.

He met up with PJ at break and they bought some lunch and went to sit in their usual spot, their secluded little hideout, rather than sitting with the rest of the students in the canteen.
"You won't tell me what brought that worried look on your face?" PJ asked when they had sat down, looking wary at Phil.

"What look?" Phil replied, trying to look innocent and confused.


"I'm just..thinking of our math exam coming up. I'm rubbish, I don't understand a single thing!" Phil tried to make up excuses but he knew PJ didn't believe it. He was always a bad liar.

"Yeah right, you never worry about exams other times. Now, please tell me, the real reason. Because I know there is something else bothering you." PJ looked at him, searching his face for clues. Apparently Phil is an open book.

He hadn't told PJ about last week, with Dan. He didn't know what to think himself. He didn't want to admit to PJ, or even himself, that he was worried over Dan, because that would be rather fucked up, considering how Dan always treated him so bad. But he was human too though, he really couldn't just leave Dan out in the cold to die. He didn't wish death upon him. He sighed. Now he had seen Dan in school and while he didn't look all that healthy, he wasn't dead and that was what mattered. Right? He shouldn't need to worry, so why did he? All Dan ever had done for him is making his life miserable.

"Talk to me." PJ tried, his friend's confused eyes on him. Worried. "Has something happened?".

"I don't know.. I mean yes, it has, but.. I don't know why I feel this way about it.." Phil begun quietly, then took a bite out of his sandwich.

"Okay, I see. You are worried about something, and you don't think it's worth to wasting energy on, like it's something silly?" PJ tried to help, lingering for answers.

"Yeah, or maybe not silly, but still not worth my time, it's.. " Phil spilled, but his words faded out into inaudible mumbling. He took another bite.

"I won't make you tell me, although it's not like you to keep secrets from me, so I cannot help but worry a little." PJ said concerned, as he ate slowly.

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