Chapter Five

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Phil's POV

With his ears filled with the lovely sound of Muse from his headphones, his favorite band, and so he walked through the neighbourhood on his way to school. It was still pretty dark outside since it was early in the november morning so the faint light from the lamp posts made the environment look ominous, with long shadows and poor sight. But the music kept his mind bright and away from fear.
He checked his phone as he received a text from PJ.

PJ: hey, meeting again by the scary hill?

Phil: yes ofc, im there in 2min

PJ: Alright, see you there!

He made his way over to the park, to "scary hill" which was his and PJ's made up name of the little hill that was in the small park. They had named it scary hill since back in the days of their childhood when they went to try out their new skiing equipment in the winter break, and Phil had been so scared to ski down the hill. So they'd just called it "scary hill" since. Not that it was a big hill or anything.

He waved slightly at PJ as he noticed his tall figure in the dark and they both started to walk together to school.
"Morning there, are you ready for some brainwashing from today's classes?" PJ smiled, not looking half as tired as Phil felt. Phil felt like a walking zombie, craving any kind of caffeine. Sadly, he had been out of coffee back home.

"As ready as one could be" Phil yawned. He had to watch where he put his feet on the ground so he wouldn't trip. That would be a bad addition to his already bruised torso. His old, purple converse reminded him of his loss of his new sneakers, which then reminded him of Dan, who had taken them and posted it on the internet. Like it was a trophy!

He felt good about sending the anonymous message to Dan, it's not like Dan would care about it anyway. But Phil got to tell him off at least, only it was rather cowardly doing it anonymous and not face to face. But not a chance that would ever happen.

Phil noticed how PJ kept glancing at him oddly, but he didn't say anything. He knew already. He could keep the bullying a secret from his family, but not his best friend.

They came a bit early to school, so they usually had some time before class, for either panic studying for a test last minute or just chatting and in some cases, having some morning coffee if either of them had missed out on at home. Today it was the latter, as Phil's energy bar was critical and close to shutdown. He craved the caffeine, period.

They both got themselves a cup of steaming hot coffee from the small cafeteria, in which were selling only absolute garbage tasting food. The coffee was the only thing that was decent, luckily. PJ led the way over to the little secluded spot where they always sat, so they couldn't be bothered by anyone but still have a good view out over the school halls.

Phil and PJ just sat there for a good while, only the coffee occupying their minds. Or, at least Phil's mind, PJ could be reciting Shakespeare in his head for all he knew. Once the paper mug was empty and the caffeine finally made a difference, as if someone cleared his head from that dizzy fog, Phil lifted his head up and checked the time. 10 minutes left. Good enough.

"Where's your new sneakers you had yesterday?" PJ asked, dragging Phil's mind back to the land of the living. "I thought you seemed pretty excited over those?"
Phil looked down with saddened face. "Didn't want them to get dirty, it's rather muddy outside.." he lied, but PJ was nowhere near believing that BS.

"Phil, where's your shoes?"
Phil looked away, towards the stream of students that walked the hallway, suddenly he saw Dan and his friends out there and quickly looked back at PJ in attempt to hide. Not that they would see them in their secluded spot. It was a good thing that in the mornings he didn't have to deal with his tormentors by being here.

"Phil." PJ called again. Right, he had yet to answer his question.

"They took them." Phil said quietly. "Yesterday after school."
PJ didn't need to hear who, he already had that figured out. His friend's face darkened by his answer, sighed frustrated.

"Bloody hell, I'm so sorry Phil. I know how happy you were seeing your dad and the shoes being a gift and all.."

"It's okay Peej,.. "

"No, it's not Phil, don't let yourself believe that." PJ said and glanced at Phil's wrists that were placed onto the table. Phil followed his gaze and saw the scratches of Dan's nails glowing red and irritated against his pale skin. "They hurt you again, didn't they? And not only those marks on your wrist. It's more."

Phil nodded, he was again reminded of the pain of the bruises on his torso.

"Tell your parents, Phil. They care about you." PJ tried to argue, but Phil was not to be convinced.

"No, they really don't need more troubles to deal with. With Dad in hospital and everything, it would only cause stress and they really don't need any more of that." Phil responded. "It's bad as it is."
PJ seemed to disagree with that reply but nodded anyway, not pushing the matter.

The bell rang, telling them it was time to leave for their classes so they got up and walked to the first class they had, luckily they had it together.
He felt safer around PJ walking beside him, being both moral support as much as physical support. Not that he'd use PJ as a shield or anything, but it kept his tormentors away for most of the time. Any chance at not getting beat up was nice.
PJ sat by the table close to the window and Phil wasn't late to follow to sit beside him. And with that, another long and rather boring school day begun.

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