Chapter Eleven

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Phil's POV

Phil laid slouched in a comfortable, soft couch, watching the ending of Interstellar, for the third time. It was a good movie, one of the best intergalactic movies that was ever made. Although, Gravity was good too. And don't forget Star Wars, of course.
He heard PJ snoring at the other end of the couch.
"Ugh you missed the ending once again, Peej" Phil mumbled quietly, more to himself rather than to his sleeping friend.

He was staying over at PJ's place, at his mom's place. It was not that close to home, so he'd have to go by bus to get here, rather than walk as that's how he got to PJ's dad's place in Phil's own neighbourhood. So it was easier to just sleep over. Also, it was more fun too, movie nights and all. Or well, maybe if he was awake. Phil laughed quietly for himself.

He went to fix the mattress he was going to sleep on, next to PJ's bed and went to get ready for bed. With brushed teeth and a pokémon themed tee as sleeping wear, he went to wake up his friend to spare him the horrible sensation in the neck that was the consequence of sleeping on the couch.
"Hrmm, what time is it?" PJ mumbled sleepily, and stood up.

"Just past one am. Come on, you can keep on sleeping in your bed." Phil led a sleepy PJ up the stairs and into his room, then PJ quickly changed and was in bed in no time.

Phil went to sleep too, but his mind was still too awake. His head and leg still ached from earlier today, so he probably needed a rest to get better.
But he couldn't fall asleep, his mind kept swirling with lots of thoughts. After trying for at least an hour, he gave up and got up, put on a jacket and his converse, then went out for a walk.

Gosh, it's freezing cold! He hugged himself and dragged the zipper up as far as he could on his jacket. The air he breathed came out like smoke from his mouth. He and PJ used to pretend that they were smoking when they were younger, blowing out warm air into the cold atmosphere. He smiled at the memory.
He walked and walked, he was pretty familiar to the area around here, spending lots of time here when he was with PJ.

A couple of loud teenager were heading his way, and he'd rather not be meeting them at this hour. Or any hour, but yeah. Especially not this hour. So he turned right and went into the small park that was next to the street.
It was so dark there, no lamp posts shone their lights in the park. He almost walked into a tree, only missing it by mere centimeters. But his eyes got used to the darkness pretty fast, luckily, and soon he was able to watch where he stepped his feet on the ground.
He noticed something in the grass right next to him and he crouched down to investigate what it was. It was a person, he realised, suddenly feeling ominous. Are they dead? Did I just stumble upon a corpse?!
Scared, he let out his hand to roll the body over, so he could see the face, and see if they were breathing.

His breath hitched when he saw the familiar face of his tormentor, Dan.

He suddenly ran, ran away from the body, away from the park. His body acted out of adrenaline, and his pulse was going crazy, but he made himself stop.
No, he couldn't leave Dan there, not a chance. No matter how terrified he was, he had to go back. Determine if he really was dead. He didn't even check if he was alive, maybe he could be saved?

Taking deep breaths, he was soon breathing normal enough to go back to where Dan was. It wasn't far. He crouched down again beside Dan, and held out a trembeling hand over Dan's mouth. He felt a faint breath of air against his palm.
Oh thank god, he breathes! He's alive!

He let out a relieved sigh at this, and relaxed a bit. But he had to help Dan now, he can't stay here on the cold ground.
He grabbed Dan's arm and tried to shake him awake gently, and then a bit harder until Dan let out a groan, or noise of some kind.

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