Chapter Six

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Dan's POV

Dan sat by the tables in the small cafeteria at lunch break, with Jack, William and Chris who were having a loud discussion about the upcoming party at Sugg's this Friday. Dan was shooting a comment here and there, but mostly he just sat quietly by the end of the table, eyeing other students that ate their lunch, while he was nibbling at a green apple that was his lunch.

The other students, a couple of girls over at the table next to them seemed to have a slightly more interesting subject of their conversation, something involving Kanye West and One Direction. So he just eavesdropped a little, in lack of anything else to do.

His eyes then landed on two students entering the cafeteria. Phil Lester and PJ. They don't usually show their faces in here so it caught his attention a little. The tall, raven haired student was talking enthusiastically with his friend as they bought some lunch, Dan could even hear him laughing from all the way over at the table he sat at across the room. Dan rolled his eyes, what could be so funny now, Lester? Just wait, then you won't be laughing so much anymore.

He didn't know what he had against that lad, not really. But just upon seeing Phil Lester he felt annoyed, that rich little brat that just have a good fucking life. Always had it easy with school work, good grades and teachers that respected him. And having PJ as a best friend. Dan thought he was a pretty cool guy, he was annoyed of it being Phil and not himself that was friends with PJ. Not jealous though.

No, Phil had it damn good in his life, and he wasn't even trying to hide that fact one bit, he just had to rub it into everyones faces.

And with that endlessly annoying optimism, like, are you for real that ignorant of the shitty world we live in? Or are you just that stupid.


Someone yelled in his ear and shook his shoulder. He was abruptly brought back to focus on his friends, which all of them had their eyes on him waiting for him to answer.

"Yes, what!?" Dan rolled his eyes, annoyed to be in the center of attention.

"Are you deaf or some shit?" Jack laughed, " Anyways, we were going to Sugg's on Friday, right? We pick you up at 8, same place as always." he informed, not really asking if Dan was going to attend the party, always just assuming he'd be there.

"Yeah, 8 is fine" Dan confirmed and his friends went back to chatting again until lunch break was almost over.

The rest of the school day went by as a blur for Dan, as he mostly just zoned out on the real world and into the deep corners of his mind. He was thinking of the comment from yesterday and of his little brother, whom he hadn't seen for two days now. Alex was ignoring his texts again, most likely.

He was just concerned, like the worried parent he wasn't, and of which their mom did a terrible job at. Alex probably thought of it as nagging and irritating, so silence was all he got back from caring for him. He probably did it the wrong way, only making it worse, but what did he know about parenthood and raising a teenager? He was still a teenager himself, for gods sake.

Bored out of his mind, he tried to listen to the teacher, focusing for once. Mr Ketch was an okay teacher in English, he seemed sincerely concerned about his students well being and education. He tried at least, more than the other teachers ever would.

He listened for a while, wrote in his notebook and it was rather interesting, at least. It was about passions and personality, and it's philosophy of everyones need to be a unique individual in the world, to find out what's making yourself just you, while living in the same world.

Everyone was aiming to fit in, to be normal in this stupid society, because apparently normal was good, and being unique, or more correctly phrased "weird", was a bad thing.

Mr Ketch ended the class with going through the upcoming essay they had to write about this subject, in which they had to describe their own individual passions. Dan did not like big projects like this, even if it was a written assignment of which he prefered.

And what would his essay even be about? Dan was as boring and insignificant as the trash in a trashcan.

What could he possibly write?

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