Chapter Three

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Phil's POV

After getting home, he was cold and muddy, so he cleaned himself up with a hot shower. Removing his clothes, he noticed the angry blue and purple bruises painting his skin on his stomach from the injuries of earlier. At least it was the only place of visible injury, as it could be covered with his clothes and well-hidden from prying eyes.

His mom was always worried about his wellbeing, and whilst he had told her about being a victim of bullying, he hadn't mentioned the seriousness of how bad it was. Her life were stressful enough for her as it was, always hard working both at her work and at home, to provide for her two boys, and a big heart that could contain enough love and caring for a whole country. Probably more. Needless to say, she didn't need more troubles on her mind, not if Phil could handle it.

Not to speak about Phil's father whowas staying at the hospital, more like living there for a couple of weeks, no months now. He was treated for the weak condition of his heart, something he was born with but it had never really been a life threat until now.
It had been stressful enough. He tried to see past the bullying, it wasn't that much of a trouble. Phil loved his family so dearly and his selfless personality made him prioritise the matters of the ones he cared about, rather than his own problems.

After the shower, he put on some baggy clothes, a comfy Adventure Time hoodie and Cookiemonster pants, and sat down at the kitchen table to start his History homework. It wasn't particularly difficult, and he went as far as doing at least half of it, but he suddenly felt drained of energy and not able to focus. Yawning, he stood up and laid down to take a nap in the sofa.

Apparently he had fallen fast asleep and woke up to his mom lightly shaking his shoulder, telling him dinner's ready.
Realising it's dinner time, he must've slept for hours already. Great, how will I fall asleep tonight now?
He ate with his mom and older brother Michael, and had a pleasant time socialising with them. He didn't mention anything that Dan and his friends had done, only lightly discussed the History homework when asked about his day.

After dinner and finishing his homework, Phil browsed around on his phone, checking social media and messaging PJ for a while. Opening tumblr, he looked at some anime posts and reblogged some hilarious memes. And that kitten is just so adorable, I'll reblog that one too!

He noticed new posts from danisnotonfire, a nice blog he had followed for a good while now. But suddenly his blood ran cold as he saw the selfie picture of the apparent owner of this blog.

No, it couldn't be him. It's just somebody looking very alike him. He shuddered. Who was he fooling? Even the name of the blog would be evidence enough.

It was Dan. Dan freaking Howell from his school. Dan, his bully.

He tried to take a deep breath to calm himself. But looking at the post above, his anger boiled.

It was a picture of his sneakers. Phil's shoes! For gods sake, how dared he! His father had payed good money on these shoes, and Phil had been so happy getting them, as he rarely got gifts from his father nowadays.

His cursor hovered over the 'Ask me anything'- button, should he?
He could be anonymous here, Dan didn't know of Phil's tumblr and so he couldn't get back at Phil in school.

Phil typed out a message for him.

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