When Your On Your Period

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Markiplier: He doesn't really know when it starts or anything. But he's willing to get you what you need and lay down with you when you have cramps.

Jacksepticeye: When it starts he always give you space. But if you want him to comfort you during cramps he'll take out the heating pad and rub your abdomen.

Joe Sugg: Joe always help you out anyway he can if you don't feel up to doing some things. He will also bring you fast food whether you want it or not.

Casper Lee: He tries and gives you space cause first time you had your period when you were together, he did every little thing making you annoyed. But he's willing to get anything you need or do anything you ask.

Jake Paul: Jake lets you stay in bed all day and does errands for you if wanted. He's always answers your call if he's out with friends wanting to make sure there isn't an emergency or you need him to come home with something.

Logan Paul: Logan has the closet in the bathroom filled with everything you need for when the time comes. He tries to keep everything stocked up so you wouldn't need anything if he was away and you didn't need to go anywhere.

Danisnotonfire: He never knows what to do when it comes so you usually try and have everything you need or go out to the store by yourself. But if it comes time that you don't feel like getting it then you call to Dan to get it for you.

AmazingPhil: Just like Dan he normally doesn't know what to do but he did put a period tracker on his phone so he can atleast know when it's coming and see if you need any more things.

KickthePj: When you get your period he makes you breakfast in bed for you each day until it's over. He also goes out and buys you either chocolate, flowers, or a stuffed animal or all three each day until it's over.

LeafyisHere: He normally doesn't do anything he tries and let you do all your feminine things. But if you ask him to get you something he'll have no problem to grab it for you even if it means an embarrassing trip to the local cvs or dollar general for pads.

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