The Potion

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    Nicole looked at the bottle. It was chipped at the top from when Mark had dropped it. Nicole looked at the bottle, and admired it for a second. Her mother had given it to her before she was left at the orphanage. She had told Nicole only to use it when she was absolutely, positively done with the orphanage. She had considered using it on the first day, but every time she had gotten the bottle, she always thought she was not absolutely, positively, done with the orphanage. She normally had it locked up in an old box, for safe keeping. But recently, she started keeping it in a pile of clothes because she knew this day would be coming. And today, was the day she lost it.

     Her siblings were insane, and the orphanage was unbearable. She thought this as she took her first gulp.

     Once she started, she couldn't stop. It tasted terrible, and was very hard to swallow. It seemed like it was filled with dust, grime, and everything else that should never be swallowed. With every gulp she thought of a new thing.

     The orphanage she never should have gone to.


     Her parents that left her here to die.


     Her insane siblings that were being sent to a wizard school.


     She dropped the empty glass, and it shattered on the hard wood flooring. What did her siblings tell her? A wizard school? What were they talking about? The potion was obviously poisonous, because she started to feel very faint. She was conscious long enough to let out a small whisper.

     "Nia, Mark."

     And she was out like a light. On her cold floor. Just like that.

     She awoke on her bed, a small glass of water on her nightstand and a note under it. She lifted it up to read it.

     Come downstairs, Miss Kings. We need to talk.

    She was reading the letter when a small "Hoot" was heard from her window. It tapped at the glass window. Hoot.

    "Shut up, bird!" it scratched the window, "I told you to shut up!"

     She turned around to see an owl trying everything to get her attention. She slowly walked over to it, a letter tied to its leg. It said her name on it in a familiar handwriting. She roughly untied it, the owl not cooperating. She read the letter, and yelled.

     "What the heck!"

     "Miss Kings!"

     Nicole walked down to the orphanage owner. They argued most of the time, but suddenly, Mrs. S just stopped.

     "Miss Kings, I-"

     "Stop calling me that!"

     "Yes, but Miss Kings, its ju-"


     "Quiet! Listen, child. This is going to sound insane, but.... you and your brothers are leaving."

     "Ummm, okay?"

     "To a school."

     "Ugh, not again with this stupid school thing. Wizard school. Ha! Guess what? I got my letter by owl. This person is pulling the best prank ever."

     "Miss Kings! This is no prank! You are going to this school so you can control yourself! Your mother was a witch. You are two. So are your siblings. Trust me."


     "Oh no! We are two days behind! Miss Kings, get in the fireplace."

     "Wait, what?"


     Mrs. S pushed Nicole into the fireplace, where oddly enough her siblings were waiting. Powder flew into the air, and they were off. Sneezing and coughing, they made it all the way to Diagon Ally, where hundreds of kids were running about, chatting about wands.

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