Death Eaters

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     Nicole was awoken in the dormitory by Octavia.

     "Come on! Come on! First day of classes!"

     First class of the day, double potions. By Professor Slughorn. 

     "Hello, students. My name is Horace Slughorn. And I am here to teach potions. I have been teaching potions for a very long time. And have been told to teach here many times. All I know is that I am teaching this year. I may or may not be teaching next year. Most likely though... but, um. Anyway. Back to potions! I suppose each of you have a potions book. Please raise your wands if you do not."

     Octavia and Nicole were the only two people without potion books. The both were instructed to go to the back and get one. Each got an old, stupid book. They were instructed to make an Antidote to Common Poisons. It was supposed to be easy, but Nicole and Octavia struggled, not being used to this. Octavia was slightly better, with homeschooling and all, but Nicole was extremely bad. Nicole started to gaze out. She looked out the window. It as a rainy day. Gloomy and sad. Just how Nicole liked it. She was adding Mistletoe Berries when Slughorn went insane.

     "Oh class! We must get out, now! Hurry!"

     The entire castle was instructed to go outside. Apparently dementors were ordered to come guard the children outside, and the entire castle was under attack of Death Eaters. Kids and adults were screaming on how this doesn't make sense. All the Death Eaters are dead, in Azkaban, or died in Azkaban. Plus, Voldemort is dead.

     Nicole and Octavia were leaving the classroom when they both realized they forgot their wands. Raven followed them back to their couldrens when the door closed shut. The three girls tugged at the door, but it wouldn't open. They all pulled and pulled, but it wouldn't budge. Raven got out her wand, and casted a spell.


     The door blasted open. The three went out and ran around. Where did Slughorn go? What entrance, what exit? The class was nowhere to be found.  The three stopped. It was completely silent except for some whispering. Octavia was scared out of her mind.


     Raven put her hand over Octavia's mouth. They all ran into a random room. It was almost pitch black. They huddled in a corner as the whispers got closer. The door was opening, but light was coming from somewhere else. The middle of the room. A tall boy, almost a man, appeared out of thin air. He took one look at the girls.

     "Oh my gosh! Bloody hell! You three are in here! Get out, now!"

     The door blasted open. Death Eaters ran through the door and took one glance at Nicole. They were casting a spell when the boy grabbed hold of all of them and transported them outside.

     "Who are you?" Nicole asked, eternally grateful. The other two girls were so scared, they were almost crying.

     "Rick. You three are in huge trouble. You are coming with me."

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