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     People looked in awe. How could she not know who Albus Potter is? And Zach Longbottom. Son of the Herbology teacher! Didn't everyone know the last name Weasley?

     "That is Albus Potter," a girl said in a matter-of-fact voice, "son of HARRY Potter? Is any of this ringing a bell?"

     A lady's voice was heard from the hallway.

     "I belive Mr. Potter and Miss Kings have a lot more in common than they think. Hello, Miss Kings, I am Professor Jewelkey. Defense Against the Dark Arts."

     "Oh ya," remarked Albus, totally interrupting their conversation, "that is where I heard your last name! My father told me a story about some girl named Emily Kings. Something like that. I forget exactly how it goes though."

     Most people stopped paying attention to them at that point. She told Albus about how her mother was named Emily, and how she had gone insane. She left out the part about the orphanage. Since she would never be going back there again, why bother telling people that? Nicole didn't do much of the talking throughout the trip there. She just sat there listening to the amazing story about Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley.

     By the time the train stopped, a huge man with a long beard started to address people to boats. The castle was bigger than any mansion Nicole had ever imagined. It was night, and the moon was  big and bright. Nicole was in awe as a girl pushed into her.

     "Oh! Sorry!"

     The girl had light brown hair that was straight, yet puffy and slightly messy. She had noticeable blond highlights, that screamed fake. Her eyes were drowning in a pool of eyeliner and dark, purple-blue eyeshadow. She was extremely pretty, and had big, bright brown eyes that glittered in the light of the train. Her eyes grew wide when she bumped into her. Clearly, she was embarrassed.  Oddly enough, unlike everyone else, she had an American accent.

     "Oh, it is fine."

     The girl clearly did not understand this. She stood there, her eyes wide, and kept repeating how sorry she was. The man in the beard directed the first years, and left the rest of the kids to ride on carriage like things that drove themselves. Nicole was confused where to go, and soon was all alone as the kids walked to the carriages. Was she expected to get on with the first years? Or did she go with the third years? She just stood there, all alone, except for one other person, the girl. It got awkward fast, so Nicole tried to make conversation. Her skills with public speaking were terrible, for she always slurred her words and mixed up word order in her sentences.

     "Um, where do go? I mean, where do we go. I am at the year of three. No! I mean like, I am a third year. But I just haven't like, ugh. This is so hard to explain."

     "I don't know where to go either! Actually, I am a third year, but I haven't started school at Hogwarts yet..."

     "Really, I did too! I mean, I didn't too! Wait, I mean, I... ugh, you get it,

     "Hi," the girl held out her hand, "Octavia Dusk. I grew up in California, and just recently got transferred to Hogwarts after we moved. So... where do you think we go?"

     They continued their conversation as they, by foot, made it to the castle late. The first years stood up in front of an old fashioned hat, and were talking about being sorted into something. Nicole and Octavia just sat down with the third years at a red table. Nicole was so confused, what was this hat going to do, and why were the first years being sorted? Looking through the line, she saw Albus and Rose, who looked extremely nervous. Zach, who was talking to them, looked like he was going to be sick. They talked about something called a Gryffindor.

     "Look, Ocatavia! There is Albus Potter and his best friends! I sat with them on the train. What exactly are they doing?"

     "My sister went here. She is starting her second year. Father took her last year to England before mother took me. They are being sorted into houses. Houses are... like... hm, I don't know how to explain them. My sister could explain it better. Where ever she is..."

     Octavia looked around.

     "Oh! There she is, Nicole. Over on by the blue table. She is on Ravenclaw. The houses are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and... oh, yeah. Slytherin. I heard rumors that dark wizards are put into Slytherin. Ravenclaw is for smart people, Gryffindor for the brave, and Hufflepuff for the nice and kind."

     "Haha! Raven on R-"

     "Ugh, ya. I know. I heard that a thousand times. Raven on Ravenclaw. Whoopdie-doo."

     Nicole thought she would be put on Slytherin. She is mean and rude, but that is just who she is. You can't change who you are. Right? An old woman stood at a pedestal. She began to speak.

     "Attention, students! The sorting will begin!"

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