Chapter 1: The Blandest Blue

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"Would you like to be admitted?"
"Would you like to be admitted?"
"Admitted where?"
"To this hospital."
I stare blankly at the nurse. Admitted? What did she mean admitted? I assumed the procedure was you checked into the hospital, they give you some fancy medicine that cheers you right up and you'd be on your way. If I'd known I wouldn't be right home, I would've never come to the hospital at all. I would've just stayed home and woken up my parents. I would've just told them, I really would have. But now it's 6 am and my parents had to get up anyways.
"Star..." My mum looked at her with soft eyes. They were almost violet. She had cool eyes. I got my dad's brown ones. I did have my mum's blond hair though. Blond can be cool. "Do you want to stay here and let them help you or come home with me?"
"Actually she wouldn't go home with you." The nurse, who had a long, loose sweater under a blue doctors coat. "She'd stay here a night and go home tomorrow afternoon with a person who'd watch her for two to three weeks."
"I'll just be admitted." I shrink back on the gurney in the small room. I didn't want to be a bigger hinderance to her mom than I already was.
My mom nods to the nurse and several forms and speeches later, I'm whisked into the elevator next to a man with big, hairy arms and a big, hairy mustache with a big, not hairy head. The blue of his outfit, much to my distain, matched the blue of my own outfit. I had on my normal outfit when I arrived. Blue dress with a cool belt and a star bag with tall, multi colored socks and fun pink boots and a devil-horned headband. But they'd taken everything from me when I decided to be admired. My blue dress now is loose and normal. By now they'd taken my phone, keys and jacket, plus the sparkly belt I had on and put it far away from me. Plus my whole purse, which contained a small notebook and a pencil. I was most scared about that, the notebook was personal. It was mine and for my eyes only. And I didn't want anyone to find it and for me to seem anymore crazy then I already was. They were sending to me to the Nut House floor of the hospital, after all. It must've been filled with people who spoke to imaginary people or had a habit of cutting up their face or thought they were invincible.
"So how does this work?" I shrug at the guy nurse.
"You will be here for five days minimum, but no more than 30 days. We will monitor you, but not too closely. No one will stay in the room but you will have a roommate. A nurse will escort you almost everywhere including rec time, meeting, showers-"
"Some pervs gonna watch me shower!?" I shout as the elevator climbs another floor.
The guy breaths out through his nose like a short laugh as the elevator dings to a stop. "It will mainly be a woman, and they'll stand outside of the door. They'll periodically ask you a question or hold a conversation. Ya know... To make sure you're okay."
I nod as the two exit into a light yellow hallway. "So anything else?"
"You will have three meals a day and a small snack in between each. You will have to eat at least a turkey sandwich, unless you dietarily can't due to vegetarianism or being Kosher."
I thought about lying about my diet so I didn't have to eat anything. I didn't like eating that much. I had something that always filled my stomach. Like a balloon, the inside is empty but nothing else could go in. I was constantly hungry, but never could eat. It sucked.
"Anything else?" I continue as we pass through a fluorescent hallway. It was long and ended with what looked like a rec room. Open space, big windows with a bunch of couches. Nurses stations were on both sides and the rest were bedrooms or bathrooms and a few more open meeting rooms. It was a one long hallway. As we walked down, I noticed the doors are labeled starting at 600. I perk up, we were on the sixth floor. Which means they were approximately 56 ft closer to lightening, not counting the slight 10,068 feet elevation of Echo Creek itself.
And I liked lightening.
"Breakfast is now." The guy stops at an open door with lots of noise coming out of it. "I will fix up your room. You should go socialize, there are a bunch of kids your age that you should get along here fine with."
I raise an eyebrow but flip into the room that was decorated with rainbows on the outside. I first notice a bunch of nurses walking around, chatting mostly with each other than anything.
I took a step in. And that's how I got into the cafeteria.
It was a big room with big windows that overlooked the Main River and showed the powerful rain spraying down. It was thunder storming when I ran here at 3 am and still it's pouring now. Besides the great view, it looked like the cafeteria from my old high school.
My face exploded into flames all of a sudden. How was i supposed to talk to any of these kids? No one else had come up with me, that means that they all knew each other. And I was no good at making friends. They all thought I was weird back at home. All the people here would judge me! And like at my old high school, they would all abandon me which would lead me back into the top of my apartment building holding a metal rod praying for lightening to strike me. But I couldn't die by lightening strike in here so all I could do was die unnoticed and Star Butterfly refuses to die unnoticed. Although, I did want to die. Because dying was one of the few things you could do spectacularly and get noticed instantly.
"Oh. My. Gosh." Someone says behind me. I turn around to see a girl intertwined with my long, blond hair. The girl had jet black hair of her own and a tanned complexion that reflected against a regulated pink outfit. I noted the scars on her face which gave the girl a permanent skull mask. 
Girl with scars on her face; check!
"W-What?" I stutter, blushing, as I snatch my knotty hair from the creepy girl.
"You're hair! It's so pretty." The girl flashes her brown eyes.
"Thanks." My cheeks cool down when i noticed the girls eyes. I hate people with brown eyes. They were boring. If I was ever going to leave this planet spectacularly, I needed to hang with interesting people who could be like the main character in a book, cause I sure wasn't going to be. And people with scared faces and brown eyes will never be the main character.
"Come! Sit with us!" The girl grabs my hands and leads me to a round table dead in the middle of everything.
"Uh..." I stutter. I was no good with friends, let alone ones that (besides the eyes) were cute!
"Okay, girly." The black-haired girl stood proudly next to me and points everyone out. "I'm Janna. And that's Marco, Jackie, Ferguson... Where's Alfonzo?"
"He left." The girl, Jackie, replied. "Remember? Today was five days."
"He'll be back." A fat guy with orange hair responded longingly. "He always is."
Janna nodded and sat down.
I don't know what I expected. Maybe something more interesting. But all I noted was more boring people. Ferguson had three trays in front of him and wore a grey outfit. He had orange hair and hazel eyes. He was unique. Next to him, a girl with white hair and a streak of blue was eating a normal turkey sandwich, although I thought she looked healthy enough to eat the regular meal (which was dried eggs and soggy toast, mind you) and I wondered why she wasn't eating it. She had blue eyes. She was unique. Janna didn't have food. Must've ate already. She wasn't very unique. Lastly, a boy, probably Marco, sat deep in his food with a tan, but somehow still pale, complexion. His eyes were wide and deep like he was serious in a conversation with his hash browns. He had big brown eyes. Not unique.
I sat down. "So is it wrong to ask y'all why you're here or..." I didn't know mental institution edict. Sorry.
Janna shrugs. "I don't care. I'm here because I tried to summon a demon. I heard they are mean and stuff so I tried to cut my face to look like them so they wouldn't kill me. Didn't work, my parents freaked and brought me here."
"Oh." I mutter. Someone with a more interesting story than me. "How about you?"
Jackie peels away from her sandwich. "I got here two days ago, actually. I have a serious thrill issue."
"Huh?" I thought for a second. "You can get in trouble for having too big of an adventure?"
"Yeah well... I was like really really out there. It's awesome. I mastered skateboarding by the time I was like five! Then when I got to high school it got a little crazy. Turned out to be a mental disease. I mean I was crazy... Like I was really sexually active and I did these wicked stunts and stuff. My parents freaked out when I tried to jump off of a one hundred foot cliff. But dude it would've been so lit like shit man imagine if I pulled it off!?"
"And you were jumping... Into water?" Ferguson, who clearly knew the answer, interjects.
"Sorta." Jackie mutters.
"It was the Grand Canyon. They were at the Grand Canyon. Towards the middle. There was no water." Marco reports, still playing with his potatoes. Then he looks behind him. "Stop that!"
"So you think you're invincible?" I ask slowly.
"Yeah. I have these insane manias I guess. They were dope until jumping off a cliff sounded fun. Then they got serious."
"Oh." I think to myself. "Girl who think she's invincible. Check."
"And you?" I point at Ferguson.
"I was called fat. A lot. It annoyed me. I tried to die." The guy was clearly not happy I was asking him.
I tuck my lips. "And you?" i repeat at Marco. The kid didn't respond. He continued to stack and shape his eggs. I grumble as he mutters to himself. While his face was paler and sicker than it should have been, his hair was healthy. Unlike mine.
"Don't mind him." Janna grabs my hand. "Why are you here?"
"M-Me?" I stutter.
"Yeah. We told you ours!"
"Well I-" I felt stuck I didn't wanna say, I hated talking about myself. But, fair is fair I guess. "I tried to kill myself. I guess. I thought about it. I called about it. On the hotline. They sent me here. So I came. And I checked in."
"Star." Janna was annoyed. "Sooo many kids here tried to kill themselves. Be more specific. Why didja?"
Oh. I guess I'm even more common. Great. I love being normal. "I felt... stuck. I'm in the wrong dimension. I'm living the wrong life. I deserve more adventure."
"Dude!" Jackie laughed. "There's adventure all around you! Just go and find it!"
I scowl. "Easy for you to say! I don't know I feel like I'm up, going to school and my life isn't fulfilled. I don't want my cause of stress to be tests! I want it to be like a battlefield or monsters or sown thing! I want to go on a real, classic adventure. Like the ones in the books and the tv shows! I guess I just don't have friends to go on adventure with. Cause like what adventures start and end with one person!?"
"Marco Polo!" Marco says without missing a
beat. Our eyes connect for a second, before Marco turns around and harshly snaps at something.
I chuckle halfheartedly and leans into Janna. "What's his problem?"
"Oh Marco?" Janna whispers. I nod. "Oh he says he can see stuff. Mostly humans, sometimes monsters. He's very paranoid, ya know?"
Oh great, someone who can see people. My hypothetical list turned out to be dead accurate.
These five days are gonna be killer.


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