So Get This....

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Jackie: maniac depression
Symptoms: weight gain, difficulty concentrating, sucidal thoughts, early-birding, disconnected/racing thoughts, increased sexual desire, euphoria, increase in energy, poor deduction

Janna: Schizotypal Personality Disorder (also self harm)
Symptoms: strange thinking, unusual beliefs, odd speech, lack of close friends, paranoia, social anxiety (also literal cuts)

Ferguson: binge eating disorder
   Symptoms: secrecy, weight gain, lack of control when eating, feeling uncomfortably full, eating when not hungry, depressed and disgusted

Alfonzo: bulimia nervosa
Symptoms: depression, distorted body image, leaving after meals, rotting teeth, bad breath, "chipmunk cheeks", scratchy voice, bloating, dry skin, loss of control

Marco: schizophrenic (paranoia, anxiety, psychosis)
Symptoms: withdrawal, paranoia, anxiety, lack of motivation, strange behavior, god complex, irritable, talking nonsense.
Hallucinations and Delusions: Commonly only auditory or light (ie voices in the distant, movement in peripheral vision). Delusions change the importance of one event from something small and random to something purposeful and meaningful.

Ludo: sociopath and antisocial personality (narcissism)
Symptoms: disregard for right or wrong, lying and deceit, manipulative, impulsive, lack of empathy, irresponsibility, thoughts show homicidal tendencies

Brittany: anorexia
Symptoms: dramatic weight loss, moves food around plate, discomfort with eating in front of others, refusal to eat bc of carbs, calories etc, cold intolerance, won't eat with other people, strong need for control, OCD-tendencies, menstruation loss (icky but true)

Ponyhead: drug addiction/abuse (meth)
Symptoms: increase energy, scabs, loss of appetite, tremors, dilated pupils, irritability, tooth decay, stroke
Sym. when rehabbing: violent, on edge, depression, relaps is common

Justin: Conduct Disorder
Symptoms: bullying, cruelty, destructive behavior, deceitful, disregard for rules, low self esteem, ADHD-like tendencies

Tom: Oppositional Defiant Disorder
    Symptoms: tingling, increase blood pressure, head pressures, outbursts, rage, loses temper, irritable, spiteful, deliberately annoys or upsets people, blames others, touchy

Kelly: dissociative identity disorder
Symptoms: two+ personality (one is always present) as a response to wanting to forget a traumatic event, distress, distrust, loss of time, sudden shift in personality (stress induced usually), each personality has their own background, auditory hallucinations, sleepwalking, sense of betrayal, withdrawal, new abilities seem to appear randomly, delinquencies, guilt, inappropriate sexual behaviors,

Dennis: PTSD
Symptoms: reliving events, paranoia, anxiety, realistic flashbacks, "triggers", avoidance, distance, loss of empathy, distrust, insomnia, trouble concentrating, easily startled,

Katrina: Dissociative Identity Disorder
Symptoms:  (See Kelly) + conversations with imaginary friends, rapid behavioral changes, fluctuating academic and intellectual performance, usually a history with abuse

Mina: Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Symptoms: god complex (self importance), need for excessive admiration, superior, fantasies, takes advantage of others, arrogant, envious and manipulative, impatient, belittles people, problems with change, moody

Sabrina: Social Anxiety and Panic disorder
Symptoms: paranoia, anxiety, trembling, sweating, chest pain, nausea, Paresthesia, feeling of depersonalization, loss of control, feeling like death, panic attack,

Rich Pigeon: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Symptoms: fear of dirtiness, needing things to be orderly and symmetrical and having horrible thoughts if it's not so, unwanted thoughts, need for control, doubts that things were done right and a need to fix them, refusal to do things such as shaking hands, intrusive thoughts

Oskar: Dysthymia (Chronic Depression)
Symptoms: loss of appetite, lack of enjoyment of things, insomnia, rundown, bad mood, suicidal thoughts, lack of carrying about ones own life, worthlessness or guilt, problems concentrating,

Charlie (Guston): Borderline Personality Disorder
Symptoms: avoiding abandonment, unstable relationships, distorted sense of self, self harm, suicidal thoughts, intense changeable moods, anger, difficulty with trust,

Jeremy: Histrionic Personally Disorder
Symptoms: self centered, "bratty", rapidly sifting emotional state, concerns with physical appearances, dramatic, belief relationships are closer than they are, highly suggestible, opinions vary with the crowd's, constantly seeking approval

Lol JK its just late and I'm getting some MedSchool trauma.


7:45 - Wake up + get ready
8:30 - Breakfast + meds
9:00 - Clean up + one on one time
9:45 - Community Catch Uptime + laundy
10:30 - psychiatrist/wild card
(Art, sports, music, games, random)
11:30 - Visitations/psychiatrist
12:00 - Lunch
12:45 - Vitals + meds
1:15 - Rest time/psychiatrist
2:30 - Group therapy
3:30 - Community Catch Up
4:15 - Visitation/psychiatrist
5:30 - Group rec (ie movies, games, plays, etc)
6:30 - Dinner
7:30 - Meds and one on one time
8:00 - Showers and getting ready for bed/psychiatrist
8:30 - Rec time + phones (Only 1 hr max in a special room)
10:00 - Get into rooms
10:30 - Quiet
11:00 - All lights out.

Other disorders cause I enjoy researching this shit:

Stendhal Syndrome: extreme anxiety and hallucination when exposed to a lot of aesthetically pleasing art, like a museum

Alien Hand Syndrome: due to damage to the corpus callosum, someone with this syndrome believes their hand has a will of its own and doesn't take responsibility to anything they do with said hand

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (aka Todd's Syndrome): extreme distortion of reality and time. It can be linked to Schizophrenia or other reality distortion disorders. This main different is the distortion is usually linked to body proportions and shapes and can cause a panic response.

Cotard Delusion: Someone believes they've already died, which pulls them into a state of disregarding rules and a lack of anxiety

Lima Disorder: the opposite of Stockholm Syndrome where a captor become infatuated with their hostage (this isn't that cool I just didn't know this could happen)

Munchausen Syndrome: someone has an impulsive ability to exaggerate symptoms to get sympathy. This could go as far as to change medical records, self inflict pain to mimic symptoms or to lie extensively. The difference between this and a hypochondriac is that they are aware they are lying, which a hypochondriac believes they are actually sick

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: this is just like regular Munchausen except your impose this on someone else to get the same sympathy. The most famous is this girl named Gypsy who was stuck in a wheelchair for most of her life and couldn't talk but it turned out she was very healthy and her mom forced her to get sympathy from her friend and family.

Riley Day Syndrome: a person who's nerves don't allow them to feel any pain ever. Sounds great but this could lead to serious injuries like excessive burning and untreated wounds. It's really rare

Attachment Disorder: the inability to form long lasting relationships except for one. The person fixates on that one person because they believe they are soulmates/"the same person". Nothing special I just saw it while watching Arrow and thought I'd jot it down.

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