Chapter 14: Supernatural Indeed

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When I feel like this I tend to follow people around like a dog would to a treat. I try to keep reminding myself I'm a side character but is usually ended up getting screwed over by my own attention span and so I jump in like a main character. How stupid?
Anyways Janna and Jackie chatted on like normal and Marco sat in the dinning hall and Ferg was on the phone and Pony was swarmed with people and Kelly and the pigtail girl were chatting and the actual depressed kid Oskar was talking quietly with these two other people and Justin was hitting on Brittany and man I obviously didn't fit anywhere. Everyone had their Number One's so I will do what? Interrupt their important conversations? Plots happening! You only interrupt the plot conveniently so more can be revealed later but honestly I was to tired to be convenient.
So I waddled back to my room and fell on my bed and played with the sheet. I should be doing something. I'm wasting my life god damn it! But... what life? A life of a side character? One who acts all normal and wears the same clothes everyday and takes 50+ episodes of them being there for any viewer to be like "wait". The life of someone who's only use is to fill up empty space? So it's believable two obvious 25 year olds are in a crowded high school hallway? That's me. And while I had this burning desire to run in on a conversation I didn't. I wouldn't. I won't.

Strangely enough dinner finally rolls around and I'm shuffled into the cafeteria by a rather frazzled orderly. I sat by Jackie and Janna and Marco and so for the same reason as which lunch, I didn't want to upset their plot.
"I'm telling you they're out there." Janna eats her 'hamburger' and fries both with an absurd amount of ketchup and Jackie shakes some sugar for her tea. Marco ate everything dry which is gross but he seemed preoccupied glancing over his shoulders. Ferg kept staring at an orderly who was staring back and I watched as he ate everything. And what did Star do with her meal? Well, that's not important don't you remember?
"Demons aren't real Jan." Jackie snickers.
"Yeah they are!" Janna insists.
"Yeah they are!" Marco adds. Janna gesture to Marco as if to say 'ha!' But is defeated by the fact that it is Marco, after all.
"Whatever they're out there. Lurking in the night." Janna's voice gets haunted. "And you can't stop them."
I'd roll my eyes but I also believe in demons but 1. I shouldn't add to conversations and 2. Jackie would laugh at me or something and I can't afford to pick sides when so few people tolerate my existence.
"Oh I'll stop them." Jackie smirks. "I'll kill em!"
"You can't kill demons." Janna deadpans. "Just send them back to the underworld."
"No you totally can!"
"Say who?"
"Uhhh like every TV show ever. Ever seen Supernatural!?"
"I love supernatural!" I blurt our before I can stop myself. A million questions I wanted to ask her build up in my head. Yes finally someone who likes the same show I do! Immediate friendship!
But then Jackie was like "oh uh yeah same" and the ping of regret rushes through my body.
Of COUSE Jackie doesn't have to be obsessed with a show to like it. No one thinks about tv as much as you do, Star. No one is in as many fandoms as you, Star. No one is as stupid or lame as you, Star.
I shut my mouth.
"I call hogwash." Janna snaps.
Jackie shrugs and the debate ends. Ferguson keeps eyeing the orderly who stares at him, I'm sure willing the boy to eat telepathically.
Books are so boring when the main character isn't the main character, huh? When the whole story is told by the side character, where everyone else was accounted for but them it gets boring. It gets stupid. It gets pointless.
I didn't deserve to die spectacularly.
Full circle, Star. C'mon new content. What new stuff haven't you told literally everyone about? What can you add to this conversation!? You know crap about demons, right? Say it! C'mon you know you want to just say ittttttttt
But I don't. I guess I'm too tired. Well, at least my body is. My mind is like sprinting through a city, taking in everything. My mind is so awake, I mean it probably could stay away for ages if my physical body wasn't so gosh dang stupid. Who decided that giving my the ability to sleep for 17 hours and still be tired was a good evolutionary trait? Like fuck was god on crack when he created me or what? Like "oh let's put this perfectly nice girl in a town where no one likes her but also a nice family so the guilt of dying overwhelms her. Let's also give her the hope and dreams about going on a huge-ass adventure with magic and crap but let's put her in the dimension WITHOUT any of the crap. Yep. I smart! Who has another line!?"
If I said that out loud would people laugh?
"Hey you guys ever thought about what god was on when he invented you?" Smooth Star. Very.
"What you mean?" Janna genuinely asks. Or it was ironic, I'm bad at this.
"Well like honestly god was probably on crack when he invented me-"
"Wait Janna have you ever done drugs?" Jackie asks.
"Nope. They scare me. I mean, illegal ones like I'm prescribed some so I take those."
"Oh wow. Goody goody."
"I'm not a goody goody I just don't want to die."
"I was talking." I say, just quiet enough as to not actually say it.
"You won't die it's so cool. Maybe when we get out of here I'll show you a good time." Jackie nudges her friend.
"I've never done drugs." I interject.
"Janna c'mon just once?" Jackie pleads.
While the debate about doing drugs while sitting in a mental ward was ironic in and of itself, I was saying something. I had a story, a joke. Maybe it wouldn't have landed but hey different issue. I wanted to talk. I wanted to be heard but maybe this is normal for a side character. Main characters don't let them talk over them. Hell, the TV on Family Guy magically mutes itself whenever any of the characters need to talk. So maybe that was me, the tv in the background. Plots happening. Drugs are happening. That's interesting. People care about someone's first trip, I guess. They'll go on adventures I mean Jackie is the person to be with for one of those.
I'm not.
C'mon Star. Just sit on the side.



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