Chapter One:

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It was the morning before the last exam until summer when Amy called Cassidy to wake her up.

 “Are we still hanging out after the exam?” Amy asked.

“Yeah, of course! But before we go anywhere do you think we could go to my place? My mom has to talk to me.” Cassidy replied

“Yeah sure, well I’ll see you at school; I’m going to get ready now.”

“Alright, see you at the lockers.”

When Amy got to school she saw Cassidy zoned out staring into the inside of her locker. She was of course staring at all her Rocky Lynch posters that are consuming her whole locker.

“You seriously need some help.”

“You’re just jealous because you don’t have that face to brighten up your morning everyday”

*The bell rings*

“Well good luck with your exam text me after”

     Cassidy scribbled down answers on her exam while Amy took her careful time to make sure everything was correct... The same thought was running circles around both of their heads... “It’s almost SUMMER.”

     They met up in the cafeteria after they were both dismissed by their teachers and headed home, where they found Cassidy’s mom sitting at the kitchen table with a worried look on her face.

“What’s wrong, mom?” Cassidy asked, puzzled.

“Well,” she replied, “Aunt Heather finally did it. She bought that house she’s always been dreaming of in L.A… And, uhm... I really don’t know how to tell you this, but…. She wants you to stay with her for the summer to help unpack and get her settled, and I said yes.”

Cassidy froze for a moment, expressionless. She had to take in what she had just heard. “MOM, WHY? NOW MY ENTIRE SUMMER PLANS ARE SHOT. YOU KNOW AUNT HEATHER AND I DON’T ALWAYS GET ALO-”

“Watch your tone. Before you start having one of your hissy fits, I’d like to point out that Amy is allowed to go with you, if it’s alright with her parents.”

     Cassidy huffed up to her room, with Amy nervously at her heels. She tried to settle her, but Cassidy was too angry to carry a conversation. She only found comfort in her large poster of Rocky Lynch hanging on the back of her door.

     “Cass, you need to calm down. It won’t be THAT bad, and hey, I’ll be right by your side the whole time! Who knows, maybe we’ll meet a few hot American boys!” Amy exclaimed with a huge smile spread across her face.

     “Are any of those boys going to be named Rocky?” Cassidy asked, un-impressed, “No. Didn’t think so. What happens if R5 comes to Canada while I’m gone? What about One Direction or Marianas Trench? My friends? My brothers? My whole family is here, Amy... I can’t just drop it for a whole summer and pick it up where I left off in 2 months.”

     It became clear to Amy that she wasn’t getting through to her best-friend while she was still so hot headed, so she gave her a final hug, reassured her that everything would work out in the long run, and started walking home in the refreshing Canadian summer heat.

     She heard her phone start to ring, and looked down to see Cassidy’s name spread across the little screen on the top of her cellphone. “I’m sorry for being a bitch….” Cassidy said, disappointed in herself.

     “It’s alright. I’d freak out too if I found out I was being moved to a different country for a whole summer. But it’s going to be fine, I’ll convince my dad and we’ll make the best of this mess, I swear!” Amy was always the positive, encouraging friend that Cassidy needed.


Author's Note: This is just a trial run, i would love to hear your thoughts on this story<3

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