Chapter Eight:

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Right when they got home Cassidy and Amy ran up into their new room that they shared. They sat on their beds and re-read their texts. Cassidy started to talk about how much she liked Rocky when they heard music coming from next door. They both smiled and looked at each other. Cassidy sent Rocky a text saying “Would you keep it down Amy and I are having girl talk ;)”

Rocky: Sorry sweetie, I’ll let you get some beauty sleep even though you’re already the most beautiful being on this plant<3

Cassidy: I can’t wait until tomorrow <3!!!!

Rocky: Neither can I, I already miss you.

Right when she read this text Cassidy’s phone died. So she took Amy’s phone and told Rocky that her phone died and she hadn’t unpacked her charger yet, they exchanged goodnights and a few more hearts. When Amy got her phone back she say she had 3 unread texts. They were all from Ross.

Ross: What’s cookin’, good lookin’? ;)

Ross: Hey babe, you there? J

Ross: I guess you’re talking to Cassidy or something, have fun with your girl time beautiful! ;)

Amy: HEY!<3 Sorry, Cassidy stole my phone to text your brother. ;)

Ross: Oh, that’s alright. J Yea, he REALLY likes her. He even told our parents about you guys!

Amy: Oh, he told them about me too? :$ Did they like me?

Ross: Well, Rocky sorta’ went on about Cassidy… I told them all about you. &YEA! They love you! :D Which is good, because hopefully you’ll be around a lot more often.. :$

Amy: I hope so too..<3 I’ll see you tomorrow, goodnight Ross!<3

Ross: Goodnight beautiful, not that I’ll be able to sleep with you on my mind. <3

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